Example sentences of "[conj] [num] [noun] by the " in BNC.

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1 Precipitation over the ocean is low , in volume probably exceeded five or six times by the fresh water that pours in from the rivers ( Rudels , 1987 ) , locally diluting the surface layer .
2 We are frequently reminded by the media and by professionals of various kinds of the size of the increase which is to be expected in the number of those aged over 75 or 85 years by the end of the century .
3 How did Dr Mortimer know that Sir Charles had stood for five or ten minutes by the moor gate ?
4 At a time when the easy option for a band like Moose would be to step up the distortion , rip off a few riffs and steam into the easy-money heaven where rock pigs run wild , they 've flipped away on a heady , affecting tangent that 's been traced in the last five or ten years by The Weather Prophets and Lloyd Cole , but rarely in that time with such grace and preconception-shattering nerve .
5 AT A time when the easy option for a band like Moose would be to step up the distortion , rip off a few riffs and steam into the easy-money heaven where rock pigs run wild , they 've flipped away on a heady , affecting tangent that 's been traced in the last five or ten years by The Weather Prophets and Lloyd Cole , but rarely with such grace .
6 The description ‘ extended ’ can be used to describe a two- or three-volume work which has been enlarged to eight or ten volumes by the accumulation of extra illustration .
7 ‘ Four or five months by the look of it .
8 He found the path easily , broken at one or two points by the new arrangements at Deller 's , a shed here , a car parked there , but both easily circumvented .
9 but I mean they work on a sort of cash basis and er the lorries just drive up , get loaded up , course you just have to queue , he said if you get behind six or seven lorries by the time you 've got your load then you 've got to get back to where your doing the job , then you 've only got about two or three hours daylight left , this is why these , these obviously go round there , say do three or four in one area and you get one load get it out get the job done , you know , and when his paid out cash that time of the morning they the do n't care you have to pay
10 Eastham is so lacking in facilities , that in a survey of more than 7,000 parishes by the Rural Development Commission , it came bottom .
11 The hon. Member for Sunderland , South ( Mr. Mullin ) might have mentioned that the local health authority has committed itself to eliminating all waiting lists of more than 12 months by the end of this calendar year .
12 I would n't be suprised if he scores nearer 20 than 10 goals by the end of the season .
13 The town of Knossos had reached a size of not less than 45 hectares by the time its first temple was built in 1930 BC , which would have given it a population of 12,000–18,000 .
14 LUXURY car-makers Mercedes-Benz AG is to lose more than 10,500 workers by the end of the year , bosses announced yesterday .
15 Sleep onset time was reduced from 33 minutes during baseline recordings to less than 5 minutes by the seventh night , and time spent awake after going to sleep was reduced from about 30 minutes to virtually zero .
16 Simon Lilley was hurled more than seventy feet by the impact and later died in hospital .
17 Late afternoon and after a brief nap at home in Edinburgh , Frank McBride , the indefatigable chauffeur who will have driven Mr Smith more than 10,000 miles by the end of the campaign , brought his master to Stirling .
18 More than 200,000 cases of AIDS had been officially reported to WHO by more than 150 countries by the end of 1989 , and it was estimated that between 5,000,000 and 10,000,000 people were HIV-positive .
19 Group chairman Tom Peacock said if crime in Darlington stays at its present level Victim Support will have dealt with more than 4,600 incidents by the end of the year , compared to last year 's total of 2,789 .
20 Then he points out that two enquiries by the Monopolies and Mergers Commission and the Office of Fair Trading have cleared the oil companies of malpractice .
21 Since coming to Leeds from Lincoln City for £500 in 1906 , McCleod had scored 117 League goals in more than 200 games by the time a benefit match was held for him in April 1913 .
22 There were two daughters and four sons by the first marriage , and three sons by the second .
23 Meanwhile , TI produced between 10,000 and 20,000 Tsunamis by the end of the year .
24 The above 1963 and 1978 statements by the Library Association are unequivocal and admirable statements of what is , and should be , the professional position with regard to censorship in libraries and the nature of the librarians ' responsibilities in the selection of publications .
25 In his Commons statement , Mr Hurd was forced to apologise for legal advice given to the House on January 20 and 27 January by the Foreign Office minister , Tristan Garel-Jones , on the Labour amendment , which he said would mean the treaty could not be ratified .
26 Two floors at Wallrafplatz will be devoted to some twenty-two constructions and twelve collages by the American evocateur of nineteenth-century Romanticism .
27 Design of ventilation systems is a specialist field , and two studies by the Heating and Ventilation Research Association , contained in the Working Party Report on ‘ Odours ’ indicate the main features to be observed in good ventilation systems design .
28 In the New Forest their appointment is now regulated by the New Forest Act of 1949 , which provides that there shall be ten verderers in that Forest : the Official Verderer appointed by the Queen , and four others by the Forestry Commissioners , the Minister of Agriculture and others , together with five elected by the Commoners .
29 There were two daughters and four sons by the first marriage , and three sons by the second .
30 Celia had two half-brothers by her father 's first marriage , namely Nathaniel ( c .1637– c .1672 ) and William ( 1639–98 , the third Viscount ) , and four sisters by the second marriage ( three of whom died in infancy ) .
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