Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] out [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When we shop or eat out in cafés , college canteens or restaurants , we tend to select food for appeal and taste , not nutrient value .
2 … freedom of speech , and debates on proceedings in Parliament ought not to be impeached or questioned in any court or place out of Parliament .
3 9 of the Bill of Rights 1688 , prohibits simply the impeachment or questioning of parliamentary proceedings in ‘ any court or place out of Parliament ’ .
4 That the free dome of Speech and debates or proceedings in Parliament ought not to be impeached or questioned in any Courte or place out of Parliament .
5 ‘ That the freedome of speech and debates or proceedings in Parlyament ought not to be impeached or questioned in any court or place out of Parlyament .
6 Occasionally she has been able to get away and walk the streets of London , or slip out with friends without looking over her shoulder .
7 Date or Issue out of sequence .
8 He said bankruptcy laws should allow a company just a year to restructure debts or get out of business .
9 So if you want to cast a spell , climb a Ben , bake a cake or find out about Fingal , this is the place to be .
10 Possibly this is why the argument as to whether it is better for a woman with young children to stay at home or go out to work goes round and round in circles .
11 She would still invoke the aid of neighbours but would be more likely to take in lodgers or do homework in the form of sewing , for example , than use credit systems ( especially the pawnshop ) or go out to work .
12 Pupils must not leave a class or go out of school during school hours without permission .
13 The employers " interests led them to be " nationalist " , arguing that to safeguard their share of the market and to maintain the Scottish capital as a printing centre , they had to keep down costs , or go out of business .
14 Customers turn elsewhere or go out of business , old product numbers are replaced by new , and so on .
15 Pig and poultry companies have been told that they must export more meat or go out of business , because profits from sales here have fallen by fifty per cent .
16 If you always eat out , or live out of tins , you are missing a whole activity of self fulfilment in life .
17 You see , Toscanini was not a bad man ; he was so musically dedicated and disciplined himself that he simply could n't understand that some people can play a false note or play out of time .
18 Other studies too have described how mothers regularly cut down or miss out on meals in order to provide a better diet for their children .
19 Yesterday afternoon , however , saw them all back up to speed with Grant Dalton 's Fisher & Paykel out in front by three miles from Steinlager 2 , skippered by his fellow New Zealander Peter Blake .
20 What matters is that a limitation has been set ; and now if a child brings out a gun , a knife , a rope ladder or even a box of matches you can check with the list and then either stay in role and say " You may have meant to bring that rope ladder , but it 's not here " , or come out of role and discuss the agreed rules of the drama , one of which is perhaps that in this drama there is no recourse to magic .
21 As Kalchu and I and some of the other men set out for home , they started to gather it up and hack off the dead branches that jut out from pine-trunks like thin stumps of arms .
22 T is awful I was taught as a child in catechism the labourer is worthy of his hire there are four sins that cry out to heaven for justice one of them is a oppressing the widow and orphan and the other is defrauding the labourer of his hire because the labourer is worthy of his hire that 's a sin that cries to heaven for justice , that 's what I was taught as a child .
23 ROSAT , the X-ray satellite that span out of control three weeks ago , was restarted last week .
24 Why , he 'd made his feelings more than clear out in France , had n't he ?
25 It turns , and the door judders open upon a little room under the eaves , with windows that look out over rooftops and the open sky .
26 The blue and brown eyes that stare out of Bratby 's ‘ Self Portrait With Others , 1954 ’ shine with love .
27 Governments have to govern people , and not only do their policies have a direct impact on the population at large , and are likely to be shaped to some degree by an awareness of what that impact might be , but policies can also be a response to pressures or problems that emerge out of society .
28 Mike says that it 's surprisingly not just at this time of the year when they have trouble with bonfires that go out of control .
29 ‘ They find it useful , especially those that live out of town .
30 However , recently , there has also been emphasis on inequalities that arise out of gender or ethnic differences .
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