Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] they are [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It 's just that unfortunately C P O's are on a Home Office list that say they are suitable for civilianisation .
2 Sensations of white , for instance , are classed together , not because we can take them to pieces , and say they are alike in this , and not alike in that , but because we feel them to be alike altogether , though in different degrees .
3 The peace activists hope to stop a nuclear convoy leaving the base , and say they are prepared to go to jail for their cause .
4 Most people want to be special and know they are special to their loved and chosen partner .
5 Often we do n't like them and when we like them least we call them bureaucracies and feel they are malignant , that they interfere with our freedoms , that they are insensitive to our needs .
6 Environmentalist groups have criticised the plan , because it still allows some logging in ancient forests , but say they are prepared to work with the Administration to improve it .
7 The couple , however , seem confident that the problem is behind them and anyone with a love of the distance can not help but hope they are right , particularly in Olympic year .
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