Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] it [be] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Or suppose it was someone mean , or even cruel , and brutal ?
2 ‘ But the balance sheets that you gave Craig and the fact that the thefts went on while he was in prison , did n't all that prove it was his brother 's fault ? ’
3 She said just press the buzzer and say it 's you cos I 'm , I 'm on my own .
4 He 'd said that if I was asked about it , I should act surprised and say it was nothing to do with me .
5 He told me , some time after we were married , that when he was at school he used to show round a photograph one of his mother 's lovers had taken of part of Versailles , and say it was his grandfather 's rectory in Ireland .
6 And let it be it was .
7 They know that the rich did very nicely during the Thatcher years and believe it is they not the poor who should make any sacrifices necessary to get the country out of recession .
8 If so , why try to highlight the condition and pretend it is something new ?
9 I used to put a mop on my head and pretend it was my hair .
10 It 's an embarrassment for people to come in and catch cold and think it 's your mattresses that 's done it .
11 And with time and experience it 's something that I 'm getting better at .
12 But say it 's your mother , or your probation officer or someone like that , it 's all right .
13 But remember it is your right to information which is under threat from Mr Lamont .
14 But remember it was your decision to buy it in the first place , nobody else 's , and if it 's you that 's wrong , or you that does n't suit the item , then you probably do n't have any entitlement to an exchange or a refund .
15 They have been warned that the chances are only 50:50 but know it is her best hope of life .
16 Not that you well you may not be interested in that but y'know it 's there 's plenty of variety as it were yeah
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