Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] of [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 To win , you must throw your opponent , ideally on his back ; or dispose of him on the ground with an armlock , strangle or 30 second hold .
2 ‘ The lighthouses were built , operated , financed and owned by private individuals , who could sell the lighthouse or dispose of it by bequest , ’ Mr Coase found .
3 The new emphasis was not universally approved of , purists objecting to what they saw as a tendency for accountants to look a project over and approve or disapprove of it from the beginning .
4 Pau retains a circle of Anglophiles who cherish the British connection and speak of it with affectionate admiration — not the most widespread of French responses to us .
5 I 'll have to spirit you away to my cave , and dispose of you on the white-slave market , just like wicked old Hasan . ’
6 We will demonstrate your new machine , make sure you are happy with it and then , should you so wish , we 'll take away your old machine and dispose of it for you .
7 Some people have felt that this borrowing from Dorothy and others shows a certain egotism on Wordsworth 's part , but it was his method as an artist to absorb things into himself , and think of them for a long period before writing them down ; nor is it necessary to maintain , in any case , that the ‘ I ’ of a Wordsworth poem is necessarily the poet himself — it may stand as a universal shorthand symbol with which the reader can equally identify .
8 The villagers hold them in awe and think of them as men of the world .
9 As an illustration of what we are trying to unearth , let's go back to Muriel 's situation again , and think of her in relation to this exercise .
10 MOST Mexicans refer to the Yucatan peninsula as ‘ the south-east ’ , and think of it as a poor relation memorable only for its Mayan ruins and the resort of Cancun .
11 I think about the year that 's gone past , perhaps , people who 've passed out of my life , and think of it as a new beginning , and I wish as Scots that we would hold on to it and perpetuate that tradition and get away from gathering around the T V in Hogmanay .
12 We call it now , the Battle of Britain , and think of it as a great victory .
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