Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] [indef pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He went down there only to make tea or hide something in the fridge .
2 Participants are invited to bring kites or make one in the on-site kite workshop .
3 Right yeah erm so that can be , that can be a bit awkward but still some of the older stuff can give you a bit of a grounding in , in , in , in , in , in what it 's about if you can find anything relevant and sometimes you 've just got to sort of wander round the library and pick things up off the shelves like at random and see , see if you can find something in the index or find something in the contents pages that sort of vaguely coincides with what the you know what 's been talked about in the class that week erm sometimes if you keep looking you might actually be dead lucky and find one of the recommended books has actually come back in erm you may find that you 've got to be a bit flexible about that because , you know , if a topic 's dealt with in November you may not get a chance to see the book until you know kind of , I do n't know , February or something , you know I mean so it , it sometimes does mean you 've got to do the reading like a bit displaced from the from the classes
4 But there could be more trouble if the king does not open up the political system or do something about the great disparities of wealth .
5 The policy of the solicitors ' governing body is encapsulated in Rule 1 of the Solicitors ' Practice Rules 1990 ( and of earlier editions ) : A solicitor shall not directly or indirectly obtain or attempt to obtain instructions for professional work or permit another person to do so on his behalf , or do anything in the course of practising as a solicitor , in any manner which compromises or impairs or is likely to compromise or impair any of the following : ( a ) the solicitor 's independence or integrity ; ( b ) a person 's freedom to instruct a solicitor of his choice ; ( c ) the solicitor 's duty to act in the best interests of the client ; ( d ) the good repute of the solicitor or of the solicitor 's profession ; ( e ) the solicitor 's proper standard of work ; ( f ) the solicitor 's duty to the Court .
6 Overall there are some 80 plus codes that control everything from the font required , the justification format , the numbers of columns , kerning , tracking , leading and a host more .
7 In other words the states of mind that do nothing for the healing process .
8 As the New Right has denounced and undermined a communitarian form of society , so ‘ The numbers of people for whom such communitarian visions are good and mean something at the level of their everyday experiences are declining , attenuating their moral force . ’
9 The aims of the Fatherland Union were set out as being " to protect national interests , strengthen national unity and concord and unite everybody in the name of Bulgaria " .
10 Despite our wariness of exclusivity , if I had a satisfactory answer to my first question ( somewhere along the lines of : we pay nothing and lose none of the candidate fee ! )
11 The company 's ability to adapt to new opportunities and capitalize on them depends on its capacity to share information and involve everyone in the organization in a systemwide search for ways to improve , adjust , adapt , and upgrade .
12 Do you have any indication of its source , and say something about the background of people .
13 Once again , start with the largest flowers and place one at the top and one at the bottom of the design , and then two staggered in the middle .
14 Take two potatoes of the same variety and place one in the fridge on a high setting and the other in the vegetable rack for three days .
15 Visitors can wander round the vessel and explore everything from the engine room to the galley and from the bridge to the gun turrets .
16 Fortunately , modern enclosures are slowly replacing these cages which are cramped and provide nothing for the animal .
17 Prentice reached up and put something on the thin collar of Rory 's shirt .
18 He stepped into the kitchen and put something on the table .
19 Now what I 'd like you to do is to select two , I told you I 'd be serious in the last part , the whole is here , is select the two pads you like best , please , and put one at the front of the binder and one at the back .
20 The offended looks of the muzzy black citoyen who is put in to own Salim 's store when trade is politicised are funny , and important , and owe nothing to the Aeneid .
21 In the middle of this he was trying really to listen to the distress of the family and demonstrate something of the compassion of God at the same time .
22 Remember you can not receive a confrontation and give one at the same time .
23 ‘ Most people have , and know something about the legend attached to them .
24 In the numerous " guides " which have been published over the years the entries are almost always short as in the many editions of Black or Baedeker , often copied , give a general description of the island and tell nothing about the way the people lived .
25 In the numerous " guides " which have been published over the years the entries are almost always short as in the many editions of Black or Baedeker , often copied , give a general description of the island and tell nothing about the way the people lived .
26 And I was er doing my part I thought to change the world and get everybody into the union so we could get , get better conditions for , for everybody and all this , more money anyhow .
27 The parents had to be able to present a full defence , he said , and if the whole case had been heard in Inverness , it would have been almost impossible to fully safeguard their interests and get everybody in the right place at the right time .
28 and I 'm just wondering if maybe , maybe we will just have to do a wee bit of work and try and get something on the go to see if somebody will
29 We could go out tomorrow and get one in the market . "
30 That would mean she could buy eggs for supper and pay something on the grocery bill and have enough left over for the vet .
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