Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] [noun pl] [verb] their " in BNC.

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1 These provisions are an example of the recent trend of legislating against tax avoidance in an arcane and difficult fashion , leaving the Revenue to publish Practice Statements or press releases giving their interpretations ( though the Revenue has not been particularly forthcoming regarding " options arrangements " in Statement of Practice 3/93 which supersedes Statement of Practice 5/80 ) .
2 Difficulties occur whether they focus on the monetary base or on a wider range of liquid assets , and whether they impose statutory ratios or allow banks to determine their own prudent ratios .
3 It was striking that many of the girls I spoke to with anorexia or bulimia ( an eating disorder similar to anorexia , but in which sufferers make themselves sick or take laxatives to keep their weight down ; both methods are extremely dangerous to health ) told of an incident ( which they often insist was small or insignificant ) of sexual harassment or abuse which marked the start of their body obsession .
4 WOW ! does , however , as its full title suggests , aim to do more than teach youngsters to discuss their favourite clothes and poop groups .
5 SelectMail 1.0 for Windows supports the Windows Sockets API and includes features such as a binary file attachment , spell checker , read and receipt confirmation and local and global addressing functions — that allow users to establish their own queuing systems for remote sites .
6 SelectMail 1.0 for Windows supports the Windows Sockets API and includes features such as a binary file attachment , spell checker , read and receipt confirmation and local and global addressing functions — that enable users to establish their own queuing systems for remote sites .
7 I said , ‘ I 'm not being disrespectful , sir , but it 's mainly men that turn women to seek their affection from women .
8 The adherence to professional standards and the desire to do a job well are motives that induce workers to serve their employers and customers well .
9 An alternative to using interferon itself as an anti-viral drug is to use chemicals that induce cells to make their own interferon .
10 And their inefficiencies handicap the manufacturers that buy services to make their exports .
11 Employees are routinely subjected to psychological screening and polygraph tests to evaluate their honesty .
12 During the war , peregrines were declared a pest because they used to attack carrier pigeons and prevent messages reaching their destination .
13 What actually happens depends to some extent on the strategies that classes pursue and on the unity with which they organise themselves and seize opportunities to strengthen their positions .
14 If you ca n't agree to disagree , then take a back seat and let others have their way on this occasion .
15 At the end of any article it is normal to give conclusions , explaining what the article means in a short , pithy summary , but I want to create debate , not stifle discussion , so after each article I will simply pose some questions and let readers create their own ideas .
16 Writing about local government , Clarke and Stewart argue that a strategic perspective ‘ places a premium on the role of the chief executive and its support ; it also demands that senior management of service and support departments set their ’ separate sectional interests within a wider strategic perspective .
17 The plan to stay all day was scrapped when the company agreed to send staff home after lunch AND meet representatives to discuss their grievances .
18 It also allows you to electronically access a group diary , showing when colleagues are free so that you can block out meetings and add notes detailing their purpose .
19 According to this author , management may be related to formal authority within an organisation and managers-get others to do their bidding because of their organisational position .
20 Especially in the civic and voluntary field , the need to spread the responsibility and ensure others have their turn is or should be an essential feature of citizenship .
21 Rather than try to describe to a journalist the subtle but crucial distinctions between individual and group differences , these scholars describe their results in technical journals and allow merchants to sell their products quietly .
22 Statutes of 1863 and 1866 enabled peasants on crown lands and state peasants to redeem their land on somewhat more favourable but broadly similar terms .
23 Government contracts become so important for the survival and prosperity of whole communities that local and state politicians follow their more prestigious congressional colleagues into the morass .
24 The Noble Land Bank established in 1885 became the source of low-interest loans to rescue insolvent estates and encourage landlords to secure their future by investing in and improving their land .
25 An ingenious approach to handling fonts and type-faces was unveiled last week that is claimed radically to reduce storage requirements , simplify portability and enable users to design their own fonts .
26 We will reverse the burden of proof for acquisitions away from the target company towards the predator , and require companies to ballot their shareholders on bid plans .
27 Deep breathing exercises , regularly practised , strengthen the diaphragm and help students to regulate their breathing during sparring .
28 Recent research has shown that an effective way of encouraging the interaction of these skills is to have children write , read out , ‘ publish ’ and have others read their own material .
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