Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] be use [prep] " in BNC.

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1 With some pottery , chemical analysis can also be used to discover what the pottery vessel may have once contained or have been used for .
2 A part of the history of perceptions of people has been the changes in the labels that have been used over the years .
3 The Act also tries to encourage sentencers to pass fewer custodial sentences by on the one hand extending to adult offenders the kind of statutory criteria that have been used with some success in the past on younger age groups ( see Chapter 9 ) ; and on the other hand by strengthening community penalties in the hope of increasing their appeal to sentencers .
4 The case ‘ will determine whether a seventh of British waterways … ( among the navigable rivers ) … will remain open … access to rivers that have been used for thousands of years could become open to challenge ’ .
5 So let me begin this discussion then of of channels by er pointing out the methods that have been used for studying channels , and for some of you who 've done the er neurophysiology course this will er be revision but nevertheless it will be pertinent to today 's discussion .
6 For most of this century it is those disorders gathered together under the heading of ‘ schizophrenia ’ that have been used as the paradigm for trying to describe and understand psychosis .
7 T : That Grease album has got some break beats on it that have been used on loads and loads of stuff .
8 Milk and honey are just two kitchen cupboard stand-bys that have been used since ancient times in beauty routines , so give these recipes a go .
9 There will be stricter limits on the state-of-siege powers that have been used by all governments for the past 40 years .
10 We shall start with a description of the banking system , and then proceed to consider the types of monetary policies that have been used in recent years , and their effects .
11 It challenges some of the teaching methods that have been used in recent years and it suggests that schools should concentrate on commonsense , practical teaching .
12 We can be producing the same quantity of electronics goods , of many household appliances and so on , with many fewer workers than have been used in past .
13 If do is used in the past tense , therefore , the infinitive 's event is explicitly affirmed to have taken place in time in the past ; compare : ( 1a ) I ate my porridge .
14 If do is used in the non-past , the infinitive 's event is situated in the first moment of the non-past time-sphere : ( 2 ) She does own a Porsche .
15 Conventional gestures are valuable not only because they often appear in the epics themselves , but also because they are universally recognised as a means of communication in real life and have been used on the stage since the earliest days of the theatre .
16 Drift-nets were first developed by the Japanese , and have been used since 1905 .
17 Inter-strain differences in the amount of C-banded material occurs between certain autosomes ( 11 ) and have been used as cell markers in chimaeras ( 12 ) .
18 Certainly the phrases " the Bleiburg Massacre " and " the Bleiburg Tragedy " have long been in currency , and have been used by historians sympathetic to the Croats such as Prcela and Guldescu in Operation slaughterhouse : Eyewitness Accounts of Post-war Massacres in Yugoslavia ( Dorrance , 1970 ) .
19 At least the powers are there in the statute and have been used in some cases .
20 Cash limits now cover directly some 60% of public expenditure and have been used in different ways throughout the public sector .
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