Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] [conj] it [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Political ’ pop need n't put text before textures , need n't deliver messages or manifestoes , or imagine that it can recreate ‘ community ’ , ‘ roots ’ or ‘ pride ’ ( as do senior ambassadors like Tracy Chapman , Elvis Costello and U2 ) .
2 Where appropriate the court can expressly prohibit examination or assessment or state that it shall not take place unless the court directs otherwise ( s38(7) ) .
3 The sheet of paper is not stretched over a rubber roller or platen as it would be with an impact printer but a sheet of metal .
4 It will help the body to quickly recover from any stretching , bruising or damage that it may have sustained .
5 There are many clues in the course of data analysis that suggest that it might be better to work on a transformed scale .
6 The strategy could not make , nor sustain if it could , the ceteris paribus conditions such as the idea of a perfect vacuum in which objects fall at a constant rate of acceleration whatever their size and shape .
7 Sir Frank added that Britain had no ‘ power to do anything other than see if it can influence the French or whichever country it may be .
8 Misunderstanding and lack of trust — People do not understand its implications and perceive that it might cost them more than they will gain .
9 Among them , the first child ever to read The Hobbit ; the son of the publisher Stanley Unwin , who was paid a shilling to read the book and say whether it should be published .
10 He imagined labour as it would be , had it not been formulated by capitalism , and say that it would then be merely an aspect of the total business of living , unseparated from such activities as recreation , consumption , family life : that it would be just part of existence .
11 While many hoteliers get upset because successive governments appear to ignore the industry 's needs and say that it can look after itself , he regards that as a compliment .
12 per annum in West Yorkshire , how can a Minister stand in the House and say that it will keep West Yorkshire 154 police officers under strength this year and next year ?
13 Call me an egotistical slime , but I only want to preserve the purity and integrity of the current alternative , and hope that it wo n't pass through the mass-media grinder into the mainstream , where it will eventually be recalled as one more passive , stupid fashion .
14 We could only dispose of this debris in the raging Shyok and hope that it would eventually be carried , via the Indus , to the northern frontiers of Pakistan — a region I well remember for its almost total lack of any suitable fuel container !
15 We can only wish this enterprise continued success and hope that it will soon put morels on the table year-round .
16 It is not enough , of course , simply to call something a ‘ myth ‘ and hope that it will go away .
17 Not all sentences are interesting , relevant , or suitable ; one can not just put any sentence after another and hope that it will mean something .
18 We are pleased to see a programme of monitoring and review built into the scheme and hope that it will be possible to measure its success at the end of its first three years and make adjustments as necessary .
19 We are glad to see the bay being redeveloped , and hope that it will be a great success .
20 It is very nice to see new faces on that Prize List this year and hope that it will be an incentive to others to follow their example .
21 The best we can do is to make a close study of code switching and hope that it will provide an overall framework for understanding how the two perceived varieties , Creole and English , interact in conversation .
22 It 's amazing how much we all trust to luck and hope that it will never happen to us .
23 Moreover , if , as the majority believe , there is a clear difference between rape of a cohabiting spouse and other forms of rape , then the public and a fortiori the judiciary will surely recognise the distinction and appreciate that it will be reflected occasionally in sentencing .
24 It may be difficult to discern at first glance , but stay awhile and look and it will become apparent .
25 Even your supporters are becoming alarmed by the destabilising effect of general practitioner fundholding , as you top slice cash from the central reserve and ensure that it can be spent only on the limited number of services that general practitioners are allowed to purchase directly .
26 However , the purchaser should ensure that this only applies to obligations to the extent that they have been disclosed and ensure that it will not be required to perform the obligations if such vicarious performance would be a breach of the relevant contract ( see clause 8.2(b) of the standard sale agreement — Appendix III ) .
27 Sometimes people today bewail the fact that they were not contemporaries of the historical Jesus , and imply that it would be much easier to believe and much more advantageous generally if they had been .
28 One could balance a crystal vase on his shoulders and know that it would never fall .
29 Harold would acknowledge her politely and indicate that it would not be many hours before he was going up .
30 These properties make possible studies of the pulsar at radio wavelengths with unprecedented detail , and indicate that it should be possible to detect both the pulsar and its companion at optical and perhaps shorter wavelengths .
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