Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] [conj] i [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Well I shall sign off now & see if I can get in the office .
2 Well it would be something , it would be a bit of paper that say that I can look after children under five , I could go and run a play group or do whatever and earn some money
3 A blind person remarked : ‘ If someone said to me ‘ You 'd better not do this placement ’ then I 'd rather walk to Australia on my hands than admit that I could n't . ’
4 Could you offer her a cup of tea and say that I 'll be er about fifteen minutes or so ?
5 And I 'm not sure that personally I 'm put my hands up and say that I 'd understand all the issues but I understand some of the basic principles and I 'm beginning to understand er some of the complexities of a a planning issue like this .
6 Then I had to be honest , and say that I could not guarantee to work for longer than four months .
7 I do n't remember the carpet coming up to hit me , nor finding it hard to breathe , nor at that moment did the judge put on the black cap and say that I must swing by the neck until I was dead .
8 I used to lie awake and worry because I could n't sleep .
9 Remembering what had happened to me the last time I entered this unhappy house , remembering too that I was an escaped jailbird , whom most of the Frankenstein menage would not hesitate to give back into custody , I decided that the wisest course was to keep the place under observation and wait until I could be sure to speak to Victor .
10 But then again yo you 're you 're advised against going over the speed limit that most people do , I do I I tell yo like I said I 'm not a saint cos like a couple of times when I was first driving , especially in my fucking sprint cos it was a quick car I used to drive up people 's arses and wait until I could overtake them and if they did slow down that used to incense me and I 'd fucking , I 'd go right up there arse and then probably try and cut them up when I went , overtook them and I s fucking learnt , I got a I had a couple of close calls like , people are slamming brakes on and stuff
11 In the dark I could manoeuvre , hide in the alleys of incomprehension , crouch behind the walls of indifference , know that I existed , and hope because I could n't be seen .
12 It seemed that all of the owners had taken the opportunity of visiting the horses while the train was standing still , and listen though I might I could hear no one else reporting trouble .
13 ‘ I need all the help and support that I can get in this latest folly .
14 I put a few pink flowers on the plant and remember that I must n't overdo this
15 Or he 'll have to sell it and disappear before I can ( could ) get to the police .
16 I HAVE just read the November issue of RW&P and feel that I must write and comment on Wayne Shelford 's article .
17 They were the faces of two entirely separate people , and try as I would to superimpose them they would n't focus into a single man for whom I had a single , straightforward feeling .
18 He hums and haws for a bit then he says he 'll put them in his car and ask if I can keep them at Combe Court .
19 But at the end of all I sigh and think if I could but see old England again , and the dear , dear treasures it contains , I would contentedly sit down at my working table and stroke , stroke away to the end of the chapter , that is health permitting . ’
20 I used to gaze at it and wish that I could have a dog just like the one in the picture .
21 I pay tribute to the work done by my hon. Friend the Member for Pontefract and Castleford ( Mr. Lofthouse ) in the area and promise that I will assist him in his fight .
22 If you like I 'll ask around back at the church and see if I can find out what 's on offer . ’
23 Then if he still has not come out of the tent I will go down there while it is still light , very quietly , and see if I can see , without getting too close , how he is .
24 Perhaps I 'll go for a walk in the forest and see if I can sort something out . ’
25 I 'll go out today and see if I can find a new daddy then , shall I ?
26 No matter , it was a wild weekend , and some time soon I 'll return to the scene of the crime and see if I can make the princely pond a home fit for a frog .
27 But learning things in the hotel room and trying them out on stage the next night leaves it fresh , but gives me room to interject new ideas and see if I can pull them off or not .
28 ‘ While you 're gone I 'll make some calls and see if I can track down a crystal , ’ she said firmly .
29 ‘ While you 're gone I 'll make some calls and see if I can track down a crystal , ’ she said firmly .
30 Get yourself down those steps , and see if I can follow you . ’
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