Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 To let herself out of the back she 'd either have to clamber over the seats or squeeze out of a window , and because of the shape of the doors the windows did n't even open all the way .
2 Flower-fringed lakeside boulevards , places to stroll in the lake air , or sit quietly on a sunlit Bodensee afternoon , plentiful water sports , all proclaim modern resorts ; half-timbered houses proclaim the past .
3 To subscribe to ELT Journal , simply fill in the form on the back of this leaflet and send it off , with payment , to the address supplied overleaf or send off for a free inspection copy .
4 Make sure that you receive all four issues of the 1993 volume by filling out the form on the back of this leaflet and sending it off , with payment , to the address supplied overleaf , or send off for a free inspection copy .
5 Or grind down to a powder if you want to add it to smooth sauces .
6 People will help themselves and save you a lot of work , as will buying paper plates for everyone to use and making the buffet a finger buffet with lots of little bits and pieces of food , and nothing that has to be served onto a plate with a spoon or cut up with a knife and fork .
7 When we feel resentment or act out of a sense of duty it can sometimes be seen and felt by the person concerned .
8 After a time , all knew that the concourse was not going to turn sour or break up in a fight .
9 Now of course you may not be able to do anything to change the basic situation — you ca n't very well turn the children out onto the street or walk out on a job just because it is tedious .
10 If you stand on a hill in winter when there is a thaw or look down from a motorway , especially in the Midlands , you can hardly miss the pattern of long parallel bands of snow , which are always the last to go from the hollows of the old ridge and furrow .
11 or stand together in a rising mist
12 ‘ My mam says he 's prob'ly in prison or run off with a bit of stuff , ’ said one of the hostiles in the playground one milk-break .
13 The time required to pass a barge up and or barge down in a 50 feet balance lift would be approximately say 15 minutes .
14 Nor did Mme Guérigny visit the cinema or theatre , or drop in on a neighbour .
15 Renew contacts with old friends Saturday or drop in on a parent or much loved relative .
16 as for trade , it will be encouraged by it every way ; for carriage of all kind of heavy goods will be much easier , the waggoners will either perform in less time , or draw heavier loads , or the same load with fewer horses ; the pack-horses will carry heavier burthens , or travel further in a day … all which will tend to lessen the rate of carriage , and so bring goods cheaper to market .
17 Or wake up with a stalker
18 I have never seen anyone create a gap in the crowd for one of the nice people , who are stagediving either to have fun or get out of a painful suffocating position in front .
19 However , Trotsky also had to affirm that although the Russian proletariat in power could win the support of the peasantry by appropriate measures , it would be unable to maintain itself in power or pass over to a socialist regime in Russia ‘ without the direct state support of the European proletariat ’ .
20 On 14 October Coleridge wrote abstractedly to John Thelwall that , ‘ I should much wish , like the Indian Vishna , to float about along an infinite ocean cradled in the flower of the Lotos , & wake once in a million years for a few minutes — just to know that I was going to sleep a million years more . ’
21 Write your favourite joke or riddle on to a small piece of paper and put it inside your cracker .
22 For example the sport of crown green bowling , which was very little known outside of the north of England , has been shown to a wider public ; the greens are often oddly bereft of spectators , and the northern accents of the players are plainly audible as they urge on their woods or confer solemnly as a pair over the last bowl of an important ‘ end ’ .
23 A paint-effect wall makes a beautiful backdrop , whether you try your hand at sponging or go in for a more adventurous colour-wash finish .
24 I fish such a bait on a 14 hook , or go down to a 16 if the bream are being finicky .
25 At these heights , the first turn or so generally dictates whether you go up and get a climb , or go down for a landing .
26 For instance , in a group of patients with rheumatoid and osteoarthritis who were treated with an elimination diet followed by a wheat-free diet , cervical reintegration and the green-lipped mussel preparation , Seatone , significant and often dramatic improvements were obtained in a fortnight of an order similar to , or better than , those obtained by either homoeopathy or Seatone alone over a period of three to six months .
27 You need to be ‘ with it ’ , because you can never guarantee that you wo n't have a launch failure or end up in a field instead of back where you started .
28 Visits to hotels or theatres , going on holiday or to restaurants are all difficult things to do on one 's own , and if they are undertaken , people may have to pay more or end up in a corner , marginalized and away from the main clientèle .
29 They do n't just prove that it 's dangerous to fly , ski , skateboard or dress up as a Mutant Hero Ninja Turtle and try to act tough on the Northern Line late on a Saturday night .
30 Write or call now for a comprehensive information pack or to arrange a showhouse visit .
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