Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] [pron] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Once a bank purchases such bills it can hold the bills to maturity or sell them in a secondary market to any other bank(s) .
2 He went down there only to make tea or hide something in the fridge .
3 Participants are invited to bring kites or make one in the on-site kite workshop .
4 Defoe in 1730 had considered a poor man in constant work could earn from 4s to 5s ( 20-25p ) a week , " which will barely purchase bread and cheese and clothes for his family , so that if he falls sick or dies his wife and children infallibly come to the parish for relief , who allow them a small pittance or confine them in a workhouse " .
5 Did it open out a larger world for you , or confine you in a smaller one ?
6 If a stranger , or a bully , or even someone you know tries to harm you or touch you in a frightening way , RUN AWAY and get help .
7 The judge also had to consider a submission made by the mother that the return of the children ( if ordered ) would expose them to a ‘ grave risk of physical or psychological harm or place them in an intolerable situation ’ within the terms of paragraph ( b ) of article 13 .
8 As the program is installed , you can elect to have Power Launcher entered as a startup program — or place it in the startup program group , which keeps your WIN.INI cleaner — and also allow it to replace the control button at the top left of every application window with its own red and white icon .
9 Whilst most of us , for example , can cope with having the occasional murderous thought about people we love , or work with , there are other people for whom such thoughts constitute a profound assault on their self-worth , and who must , therefore , either suffer that sense of worthlessness or involve themselves in an intense effort to deny or rationalize the thought .
10 er to consider , as to whether whether it would be appropriate to invite the winning schools for er to bring a party in or involve them in the erm Gala Day or e I mean i erm or the open day or something .
11 Here at Club M'Diq you can either do your own thing or involve yourself in the daily and evening activities and events available for free ; you can lazy on the spacious sandy beach , or go off on the optional excursions to see something of what this colourful Moslem country has to offer .
12 Someone may jump onto you or grab you in a lonely street .
13 Dispose of dirty nappies by flushing them down the toilet , or put them in a sealed plastic bag .
14 Drain well in a colander and divide them among individual bowls or put them in a large soup tureen .
15 Some furnishings , pot-holders and ornaments have a very strong-smelling varnish coating , particularly cheap bamboo products with a glossy surface If you have any items of this sort , banish them or put them in an airtight container .
16 If you decide at the end of the day the thing to do is to pick up this kid and run like hell for somewhere you can gain , wave for help , or put him in the car and drive like mad to the hospital , then you might just do that , even though it breaks all the golden rules of first aid
17 ‘ Appropriates ’ is generally proved by a witness stating that the accused picked the property up or put it in a shopping bag or a pocket .
18 Or put it in a left-luggage compartment somewhere . ’
19 Put in a bowl or put it in a plastic
20 • The UNIPOT needs the minimum of cleaning , to keep its good looks simply wash in hot soapy water or put it in the dishwasher .
21 stick it in your pocket for next time or put it in the bin .
22 I might be going swimming at lunchtime today so I could probably run up there or put it in the post if I go .
23 Or imagine yourself in a peaceful place .
24 Perhaps he kept such books at Castle Street , or read them in the Advocates ' Library .
25 You can stamp on toes , feet or shins ; knee him in the thigh or groin ; grab and squeeze testicles or pinch the soft inside of thighs along the trouser seam ; elbow him or her in the ribs or stomach if the person is behind you , or knee them in the belly if in front ; grab the little finger of one of the hands that is holding you round the waist or arms , and bend it backwards , forcing him or her to let go ; bite the side of the neck or slap a cheek or ear ; bash the nose with the front or back of your head ; force the head back by pressing your fingers up nostrils or squeezing the flats of your thumbs into eyes ; or even spit into eyes to make them blink .
26 Why does he just hang it you know put in the tumble dryer or hang it in the garage ?
27 The likeliest sources of error would be to underestimate ganglion cell density in the central retina , or overestimate it in the peripheral retina , in the standard distribution function .
28 But the plains , savannahs , rivers and hills , all the way from Samburu down to the Masai Steppe , proved fruitful and the Masai built up their strength through the acquisition of women and cattle so successfully that they chased out the other tribes who were obliged to cling to the mountains or secrete themselves in the forests , land useless for cattle .
29 Those of us who did n't join up until 1943 , either because we were too young or like me in a reserved occupation , did n't really stand much chance of promotion , not unless we were absolutely brilliant and not many of us were that .
30 Most people keep a gun or two in the house ; some carry them around with them , or stow them in the glove compartments of their cars .
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