Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] [prep] [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Some pieces of work , on the other hand , require a lot of reading and study time during composition ; and for these you are likely to produce better work if you choose questions that genuinely interest you , or connect with problems you are in any case interested in outside your literary work , rather than if you feel your work is being done out of obligation or under duress .
2 If I actually follow you down the street in order to be sure that you do n't throw it away or forget to post it , for instance , then I at one and the same time become certain that you 've posted it and display a lack of faith that you will do so .
3 If we win or draw on Wednesday it will make the Republic 's position a bit unsteady . ’
4 okay , again I mean these are things that talk about confirmation I mean quite honestly I 'm I 'd be quite happy if we had offices where people talk to each other ninety per cent of the time rather than send memos and faxes to each other , and on the whole we are really talking about inside the office with the people who we work with I mean obviously clients as well trying to find something different , we tend tend to find that it 's very very easy sometimes to make a phone call it 's much easier to make a phone call and to talk to that person and give them the personal touch .
5 Well you 're the ones that go to playschool I do n't
6 Come on Vicki darling come to daddy , good girl , Vicki , come on let's dance , come and sit with daddy we 'll dance , yeah , come here
7 And they all walk about and sit in circles you did n't have an argument with a teacher or anything interesting ?
8 Discipline means having an agenda , starting and finishing the meeting when you said you would , answering the client 's questions with authority ( and if you can not give an answer , say you do not know but you will find out ) ; having your paperwork neat and easily at hand ; offering the best hospitality you can provide , such as telephones , a cup of coffee , a comfortable chair and a pad and pencil in case he did n't bring his own .
9 This was a man who needed all the help and support from others he could get .
10 Everything that he greatly cares about demands order , proportion , measure and control In poetry he considers decorum the grand masterpiece .
11 The rim of my hat , while effectually shading my eyes , did not obstruct my vision , and inch by inch I scanned every bit of the jungle within my range of view .
12 Attempt independent redrafting and revision of their own writing and talk about changes they have made .
13 Where we live and go to school you ca n't do that .
14 Under these circumstances potential consumers will simply shrug their shoulders , walk away and do without goods they needed or wanted and for which they were ready to pay .
15 Get scribbling to me , if you 're 18-21 , female , pretty , and live in Cambridge- I 'm 20 and like almost anything , including rock music and lipstick smudging !
16 Now in those cases we ca n't use the normal Chow tests we 've got more parameters to estimate than we have observations , right , as a result Chow developed a second test , right , from structural change where we do n't need er erm to estimate essentially the regression in the sub sample which has got very few obser observations but in that Chow , that Chow second test is often called a test of predicted failure , right , Microfit will calculate both of those tests and bear in mind I mean that we 're spending a lot of time on er parameter constancy , we must bear in mind that parameter constancy is vitally important if we are going to make these inferences possible be about policy making on the basis of our estimates .
17 Take people to objections , take them to where you want them to be and bear in mind you 're always looking for an objection
18 For what are your possessions but things you keep and guard for fear you may need them tomorrow ? …
19 For a start , I will travel and go places I 've not seen , and return to places I 've been to but not really seen because of the tennis .
20 Come , friendly bombs , and fall on Slough It is n't fit for humans now There is n't grass to graze a cow Swarm over , Death .
21 Even as you become more familiar with materials and techniques , there is still a tendency to play safe and work in areas you consider to be easier .
22 But inch by inch they were being driven back .
23 But go to England she would for she was determined to make the directors of Croydon and Cooper see sense .
24 Did n't sound likely at first but think of salmon I suppose .
25 The species will take the usual foods but bear in mind it is a robust fish and needs an appropriate diet — earthworms , beef heart , mussels , prawns and bits of chicken are ideal .
26 Erm , but bear in mind you know , this works best if you work it the way that you want to work it .
27 But bear in mind she 's , you know , she 's walked out of the
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