Example sentences of "[conj] [det] be at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The discussion that is recorded about Lothar 's age suggests that some were at first not too keen to elect a pope in his thirties who , on recent record , might last for half a century .
2 But although this is at first appealing , on closer examination the concept is somewhat flawed .
3 Lewis was subtle enough to see that this was at best a half-truth , and perhaps he was beginning to sense that what Tolkien 's friendship had to offer him was something rather more important than a regress to me nursery .
4 And that 's at that age !
5 When he proposed a shilling on prescriptions , one shilling and that 's At that time , Ni Bevan started himself started to deteriorate .
6 Honestly , and the tongs were still on , and that was at eight o'clock in the morning .
7 But there 's something in even the very best of us which would really prefer to take the easy way out , if that 's at all possible .
8 If that 's at all true , I 'd like to help to get things straight .
9 But if y'have t'shoot , aim to disable rather than kill , if that 's at all possible without puttin' y'self at risk . ’
10 It is necessary to prepare tor convalescence before you go into hospital if that is at all possible .
11 At the first meeting of the Central Authority , Shinwell had told Citrine and his colleagues that a reasonable aim would be to meet full demand by 1951 ‘ if that was at all possible ’ in the light of other national investment demands .
12 still keeps the wage-labour relationship and the work-role as determinative of social existence , even if this is at second hand ( and its being at second hand is very important in relation to issues of patriarchy ) .
13 Also , when families are providing care for a disabled relative they usually want to continue to do so if this is at all possible .
14 These inferences are based on the remarkable robustness of the assumption of cooperation : if someone drastically and dramatically deviates from maxim-type behaviour , then his utterances are still read as underlyingly co-operative if this is at all possible .
15 She 'd be wise to push him out of her mind — if this were at all possible — and before she made a complete idiot of herself .
16 Asked if this was at last your ‘ special friend ’
17 I told myself that my intention was maintenance of the status quo , but this was at best a half-truth .
18 Some of the streetlights were still glowing red but most were at full sodium yellow .
19 the acceptable proposition that some shared morality is essential to the existence of any society , to the unacceptable proposition that a society is identical with its morality , as that is at any given moment of its history , so that a change in its morality is tantamount to the destruction of a society .
20 Sweating remained , child labour survived , and reformers could still find terrible poverty to expose , but improving conditions meant rising expectations , even though these were at first limited to a few .
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