Example sentences of "[conj] [det] be [num] of " in BNC.

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1 Well that that 's one of the arguments for remaining under government funding .
2 Well you see that , that that 's one of reasons why we 're all sitting doing it cos Terry 's just said and I 've got an environment thing , now that does n't mean it 's wrong .
3 Certainly not , and I think that that 's one of the things that causes people to be to switch off when you mention computers and think ‘ oh , I ca n't understand that ’ because their experience at school perhaps was that they could n't understand mathematics anyway .
4 That being the emphatic view of their Lordships , it would , we think , be quite wrong in effect to re-import into the offence the necessity of proving what amounts to absence of consent on the part of the owner by saying that the word ‘ appropriates ’ necessarily means some action contrary to the authority or interests of the owner and that that is one of the requirements which the prosecution must prove .
5 ‘ You followed my drift , did you ? ’ she asked , with a grin , and he raised his eyebrows and said : ‘ Yes , Cassie , I 'll agree that that was one of my arguments .
6 He knew that that was one of the reasons why he went to see George Birkitt first on his back-stage round at the ‘ half ’ .
7 Then she felt ashamed of the malicious thought , and realised that that was one of the most dangerous things about people like Deana .
8 I imagine that that was one of the matters raised with the hon. Gentleman , and I hope that he was able to assure farmers of the splendid job that my noble Friend is doing for farming in Scotland .
9 We doubled resources in 1989 , and as soon as I became Home Secretary , I realised that that was one of the most important issues that I would have to deal with .
10 Although this is one of the rarer conditions in children , it is included here because children with controlled glaucoma will be in the ordinary classroom .
11 And the finding that it takes 400 msec to generate the electrical activity associated with the meaning of visually presented words suggests that this is one of the most complex activities our perceptual systems are asked to perform .
12 With that in mind when you approach them , stress that this is one of your first gigs and you are going to get all your family and friends along to support you .
13 He should make it known within the company that this is one of his priorities , that the whole board supports it and that a percentage of the profits should be devoted to it .
14 If it is thought that this is one of the pleasanter , more protective aspects of male chauvinism , this is mistaken .
15 The first thing to say is that this is one of those things that can disappoint us .
16 Like others on first-name terms with the Princess , they know that this is one of her few safe havens .
17 Remember that one of these options is to do nothing , though you may well feel that this is one of those cases where this course of action ( or in action ) would simply make matters worse .
18 This is not an educated guess , call it a completely uneducated guess , but I have an odd feeling that this is one of your planes , sir — an American plane .
19 On the whole the scene is quiet , quieter at least than you would expect considering that this is one of the most important wholesale fruit and vegetable markets in France , the great distributing centre for the primeurs of the astonishingly fertile and productive areas of the Vaucluse and the Comtat Venaissin. — areas which less than a hundred years ago were desperately poor , inadequately irrigated , isolated for lack of roads and transport , earthquake-stricken , devastated by blights which destroyed the cereal crops and the vines .
20 I 'm also an alternative therapist and I do find that this is one of the major problems , that ninety percent of my patients who come to me suffer from stress and depression , and really what has happened in a lot of cases is that they have been put on valium and drugs , they find the side effects are horrific !
21 Zurich people will tell you that this is one of Europe 's most elegant shopping streets , and they are probably right .
22 St. John tells us that this is one of his main functions .
23 Maslow , if we recall , suggested that this is one of our basic needs .
24 If you 've ever decided , in a flash of inspiration to change the furniture round in a particular room , you 'll know that this is one of the jobs you end up wishing you 'd never started .
25 All posts are subject to the local government superannuation scheme and it is widely acknowledged that this is one of the most attractive schemes offered anywhere .
26 It is alleged that smaller organisations can respond quicker to change and that this is one of their strengths .
27 It concluded : " The Soviet side , expressing profound regret over the Katyn tragedy , declares that this is one of the gravest crimes of Stalinism . "
28 Her data from Dudley , West Midlands , shows that this is one of the first Creole features adapted to .
29 No , I , I , I , just , just a cover note , I think it 's quite true that this is one of the small steps one can make to make it a little bit more possible for people with dependents to take a full part in local government , and the majority of the people who are excluded at the moment are in practise erm , women with dependent children , but there are many other people including men , and including people with dependent elderly relatives , and I think we need to make it the rule rather than the exception that local government has a carer 's allowance scheme .
30 I think that this is one of the moral lessons which Dickens wants us to learn about from the tale .
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