Example sentences of "[conj] [det] be [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Lord Shawcross , who at one time or another was chairman of the Bar Council , the Press Council , the Medical Research Council , the Takeover Panel , and assorted royal commissions and tribunals of inquiry , claimed when questioned that the consideration uppermost in the minds of such figures was ‘ the national interest ’ .
2 Yes , of course you could , and not just because there 's pretty coloured pictures in one and not in the other although that 's part of it , that 's part of the presentation .
3 And I 'm sure that that 's part of why sounds pretty good when he 's saying that it 's not the body that makes us who we are , it 's not the body that matters .
4 He said that that 's part of the transcription system .
5 And yo and you would n't be indicating that that 's end of key stage three ?
6 I 've got on the tape here a song which is by Manny Fryer he used to sing in Steel Ice Band er now I know that that 's sort of very old hat , I 'm sorry , but I sort of live in the past and er this er I I believe also that these days so that er you know I can sort of justify that but this is a song that er she has sung which er reminds us that each of us has the potential to commit the crime I 'll try not to play it fast forward , let's see how we go .
7 No it 's just a sort of you know , you 've seen furniture you know that that 's sort of damp .
8 Well I would of , I would of thought that , I mean if your gon na take something out that that 's sort of size all well and good , but I mean it wo n't even dispense will it ?
9 My hon. Friend will know that that is part of a parcel of land of about 45 acres in total .
10 Indeed , some of them are making a virtue of their exemption by saying that that is part of the reason for opting for trust status .
11 I suggest , however , that that is part of a free society .
12 but that surprised the man in the queue and yet interestingly I think that and she said I was right in my assumption that that is part of the partnership philosophy of John Lewis that they work in partnership with their staff and in partnership with the community and they make their profit which is generated to start through the community which they sell to and therefore they quietly give back without wanting to play their own trumpets and in a sense I think that 's how it should be .
13 Few biologists doubt that this is part of the truth , but is it the whole truth ?
14 We would need their agreement to build houses outside the city boundary and you know that this is part of what the Steering Committee will propose …
15 For instance , any award for an idea by an employee relating to their own job or department is liable for tax as the Inland Revenue rule that this is part of an employee 's job specification .
16 We can either accept that God is sovereign and recognise that this is part of his plan , or we can have a pity party and completely neutralise everything God wants to do through us .
17 It is all too easy to carry out this procedure in a vacuum and to forget that this is part of a parent training process which , we hope , will equip them with skills they can use with other problems .
18 It is one thing to assert that things are ‘ not what they used to be ’ and that this is part of the more ‘ general malaise ’ in society .
19 Thank you that this is part of the plan for your new creation , and that Jesus is feeding and taking care of the church .
20 It still remains difficult to explain the Gingin Chalk of faraway Australia , though one might guess that this is part of the same phenomenon that produced the almost world-wide " Cenomanian transgression " .
21 The idea that a contritional experience is an ongoing activity in which every man fights and conquers those elements of his fallen nature as Christ fought evil on the Cross and that this is part of the continuing process of redemption — indeed its very condition — was at the heart of their preaching and teaching which developed the monastic piety of an earlier period for a lay audience .
22 He did not contradict her but just said nothing and so she felt that this was criticism of her handling of the problem .
23 Dark brown hair , dark brown eyes , and slightly sallow skin which the photographer had not bothered to disguise or retouch , having understood that this was part of her charm .
24 He believed also that the monastic community at Canterbury with a primatial archbishop at its head was the source of order throughout the whole huge area of the archbishop 's primatial authority ; he thought too that this was part of an unchanging order of things , which should not be made the subject of political bargaining either with the pope or the king .
25 He expelled his laugh in a single breath and was serious again , wanting to study her more , like a doctor , she thought , looking for symptoms , and she allowed him , remembering that this was part of sorrow .
26 Poindexter acknowledged that he had deleted computer messages , but claimed that this was part of his normal routine .
27 The military 's claim that the escalating protests were due to the growing presence of " seditious " forces were denied by the Catholic Church and the trade unions , which claimed that this was part of a government strategy to weaken a popular opposition movement .
28 It concluded that this was part of an elaborate and well-financed Saudi campaign to discredit al-Fassi .
29 It 's one of the great unknown discoveries , that this was part of the Roman cemetery of Wotton .
30 We are not told that these are part of a continuing ritual , but we are encouraged to treat them as such by the similarity present in the three meetings which are connected with each other further by the Shakespearian language applied to each .
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