Example sentences of "[conj] [det] be [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 It also recommends that the General Assembly approve the introduction of part-time ministers — but only where that is necessary for a territorial purpose such as in a remote area or where parish work could be combined with another church role .
2 Until 1892 generally only those paying rates on property with a rateable value of £40 p.a. or more were eligible for election as Guardians .
3 That that 's easy for you to get a golf course .
4 Although this is convenient for busy human owners , it is too much for the cat to eat at once , unless it is starving — which is rarely the case with well-loved family pets .
5 Although this was true for some respondents , most policemen and women in Easton periodically sought reassurance from the researcher about the purpose of the research , what was being written down about them , who would have access to the material , what the researchers ' politics , religion , allegiances , and so on were .
6 As time goes by children will respond to the consistency of the lesson and come to believe that this is right for them ; the lesson is internalised .
7 Indeed , in the later chapters we will show that this is impractical for any relatively unconstrained speech recognition system .
8 The theory of the ‘ survival of the fittest ’ predicts that the old and weak must eventually succumb to the young and strong , and that this is necessary for the future vitality of the species .
9 This must of necessity put you in a very weak defensive position and I would maintain that this is responsible for losing more bouts than any other factor .
10 And we can recognise that this is true for a change involving any form of intermediation .
11 However , on behalf of many of my constituents — I am sure that this is true for many other people around the country — I should like to stress that , although none of us thought in 1979 that we would be discussing this situation today , as a result of it many of our constituents have received a quality of life far superior to that which they might otherwise have had .
12 Data from Hall ( 1986 ) confirms that this is true for the objective risk of accidents at traffic lights .
13 In his comments ( published with the Report ) Mr Baker agreed that this was appropriate for 7 year olds , but proposed that for 11 year olds greater emphasis should be given to the key skills of reading and writing .
14 I showed him that this was terrible for me , and he understood .
15 That this was true for NVALA supporters generally and not just for their figurehead is shown by the large correspondence the programme generated within the Association .
16 However , Drs Keith Brown and Mike Roberts found that nitric acid was produced from atmospheric nitrogen at the same time and that this was responsible for most of the damage .
17 Jim Fletcher had signalled that these were essential for any traveller in Romania .
18 This does not mean that all is well for the government .
19 His father 's body that had lain in the great lead-lined stone coffin there for forty years was reverently removed and buried below the flagstones inside the chapel , which was hung with black , and the old man was told that all was ready for him .
20 Saussure called for , not the abandonment of diachronic study , but the recognition that synchronic and diachronic study led to different kinds of knowledge , and that both were necessary for the true understanding of language .
21 True , this is on one of those detested and expensive 0898 numbers but I am assures that Directus keep the message as succinct as possible and that is rare for a call to last more than a minute .
22 ‘ Damon still has a chance to win the championship and that is good for us , ’ he said .
23 Colleagues I 'd just like to put one of er John 's themes and that is that for the next couple of days we 've got a hell of a lot of business to get through and er we 've done quite well so far but er I would certainly be looking where possible colleagues for formally seconding er , as often as possible , if not all the time and I really appreciate your er your assistance in that regard because we have a great deal of business to get through in the next two days .
24 You see impressionism is n't art about anything very much , it 's art as description — a very lively , lovable form of description , pure and simple — whereas normally art has been full of messages and meaning and didacticism if you like — full of morality and sermonizing very often , and that is normal for art .
25 It really is a role reversal and that is cool for me .
26 But she has now gone through the barrier and that is important for her . ’
27 A major part of the reform of the CAP is focused on rural development , and that is important for less-favoured areas where there are smaller farms .
28 None of us are lock in to this P I and production phases , we will not be locked in until we sign the memorandum of understanding for those phases and that is scheduled for nineteen ninety five .
29 And that 's good for their business .
30 And that 's solid for forty feet up .
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