Example sentences of "[conj] [det] [be] [noun] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Where both are university teachers , Federman began his career as a critic with a study of Samuel Beckett , Journey to Chaos ( 1965 ) , which played a crucial role in the formation of his attitude towards modern fiction .
2 It 's been accepted that these are credit arrangements under the local government Planning and Land Act , so therefore , it is not unreasonable to argue that borrowing will not represent a new departure for the County Council in terms of being able to control capital spending .
3 It is , in particulars the unnerving intellectuality of the life around him that Hölderlin attacks , the overvaluation of philosophizing and the promise of action that never comes , the substitution of books and words for deeds , the excessive introspection and lack of worldly competence ( the criticism has a special poignancy in that these are character traits he is intimately familiar with , which at times become part of his self-criticism ) When he speaks of Greece , it is not always clear whether he has in mind the fifth century or the timeless present in which Hyperion lives , but it is always Greece that provides the contrast .
4 Remember that these are colour effects , and they will therefore not show up on a black and white viewfinder .
5 ‘ The idea of the letter was to get patients to protest at the lack of central funding and to explain to health board general managers that these are services patients think should be provided , ’ Dr James said .
6 I would like to hope that these are teething troubles , but I remain to be convinced .
7 Of course , we must not forget that these are ski resorts .
8 The handbook , however , that is recommended for potential writers , You Can Write a Romance and Get it Published , breezily enjoins its readers to ‘ Remember that these are formula books tried and proved to be successful ’ and proceeds to outline the characterizations and plotting that are expected of the successful romance .
9 Professor Berry stresses , however , that these are risk factors , not causes .
10 Er can I I started to comment on about the er , er bank accounts which are you know er my the reaction that I saw was all round the table and I think we would go further that er any company handling pension funds should carry pensions somewhere in their names and all on all their paperwork etcetera so that everybody 's totally clear that they are dealing with pension funds and er to agree with a comment that you made in one of your earlier reports that er designation of ownership of shares of pension funds should be clearly er marked on those shares er that also would of er at least alerted these financial institutions , as once again that they were handling stocks belonging to pension fund and they still have ignored it in the case that er they did , but er er they would ha not had the excuse that er apparently some of them have made that er they were not aware that these were pension funds assets .
11 Although these were Government newspapers supporting the Colonial status quo , they all employed African journalists .
12 It 's been highlighted by the Audit Commission , you might pick that up in paragraph eleven , and that is hospital discharges .
13 Right that 's got to be And that 's X men times fo times two hours equals forty eight man hours .
14 And that 's Y equals
15 The next farm in place and that was dairy cattle , I had five cows to milk then by hand , but only in the morning .
16 and that was pillow covers , well shams
17 There was old , old only sold one thing and that was naphthalene balls , you ken ?
18 If that 's door policies , then let's have some more please . ’
19 Now these are n't , oh right , the strange black things that some of you are holding in your hands are called riders , and these are end leaves for the storage binder , and the idea is that they will have protective pages that are in the storage binder that will make them easier to turn .
20 A responsible , hard-working and disciplined work-force was required for the exacting demands of agriculture ; and these were character traits of such importance and of such a basic nature that their instilling could not be left entirely until puberty and initiation .
21 They are T. vittatus , T. Schalleri , and T. pumilus , and all are bubble nesters and have the strange vocal characteristics that will be described later .
22 They were small and neat and many were flower studies .
23 We had to be 5′ 10″ at least and most were 6′ 0″ or over .
24 But this was Ray Shallows ' kingdom and it was hard to escape from his flood of ecstasy .
25 But these are reference books that are not thrown away and that 's what makes the advertisers the benefits to the advertisers that much more important .
26 Other breeds have colour-pointed varieties such as the White Galloway and White Welsh , but these are colour varieties within their breeds rather than separate breeds and quite often their non-standard colour can be traced back to crossings with White Park or British White in the past .
27 But these are plant killers !
28 We do not know from the photograph , but these are police officers .
29 But these were surface pleasures and , in the end , the very smoothness of new pop consumption , its implication that all cultural goods , all cultural consumers , are equal , undermined any claims to subversion .
30 Many , not all , but many were trade unionists who instinctively sympathized with the plight of the miners .
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