Example sentences of "[conj] [det] [art] [noun pl] i " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He told me that half the bacteria I 'm developing are lethal , ’ says Jack .
2 I think it 's a matter of fact that all the schemes I have seen have included an element of best and most versatile land .
3 Erm and it 's talking about this er accommodation theory Giles ' accommodation theory which has one main assumption erm that all the things I 've just mentioned about pronunciation and speech rates and things , erm they all occur in in order to encourage more interaction between the two speakers .
4 Being cleverer ( as I thought ) than most men , and cleverer than all the girls I knew .
5 I had rather a dread of this post 's conveyance for it was only a spring cart , and I thought I felt myself being bumped , but as it was I enjoyed this nine miles in the post gig better than all the drives I had had .
6 I remember those more than all the dolls I had — especially a little box of blue beads . ’
7 If half the things I 've done became public , I might be behind bars now .
8 Q Although I 'd love to fill my home with baskets of potpourri , ornaments , vases , dried-flower arrangements and all the accessories I often read about in Ideal Home , my problem is the children .
9 Songs are the lifeblood of pop music , and all the artists I have represented have been heavily involved in songwriting .
10 And Ray er Mr from Nottingham says , I used to work for a circus , I 'm an animal lover and all the animals I saw were treated very well .
11 ‘ But you mentioned poisons , Hugh , ’ he added calmly , ‘ and all the plants I have mentioned could kill a man , choke out his life like a breeze snuffs out a candle . ’
12 This is most common in America , and all the examples I have seen have been in books printed there .
13 If all the blokes I knew were like you then I 'd be better off with another girl , would n't I ? ’ she said scornfully .
14 But all the directors I like have left too .
15 Even a fox would bolt from her on occasions , but all the times I have ferreted I have never known my ferrets to bolt a fox .
16 But all the men I 've met who I 've felt would make good fathers have invariably turned out to be men I could n't love … ’
17 But all the children I questioned afterwards were emphatic that they would like to repeat the experience .
18 And that meant a lot to me at the time because all the paintings I was doing were subjects from my childhood years .
19 I did go out with one of me mates once and he was going burgling and I needed to do one 'cos I had no money or nothing , strung out , and he went to the Old Hall Estate and broke into a house and I got in through the window with him and I just looked around and saw all these photographs of , y'know like , the family that lived there with the kids and that and I just got this horrible feeling , so I just got out the window and walked away , even though I was strung out and I did n't pick nothing up , I just left him to it ‘ cos , like , though all the burglaries I 'd done , they 'd all been shops .
20 Just as badly , in fact , as all the refs I have seen so far .
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