Example sentences of "[conj] [det] [verb] not [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But still she seems to be round here all the time more or less do n't she ?
2 Looks a lot older that that do n't she ?
3 Erm er embarrassment or reticence because there are so many other people erm there , but I think you , you meant more than that did n't you and
4 And they go even further than that do n't they ?
5 I think I 'm alright , because we have covered that all have n't we ?
6 because we 'll have the cash , we 'll go and buy he said all you need is your amplifier and that did n't he ?
7 cor , but its so expensive these night life places , I mean they charge the earth for drinks and that do n't they ?
8 They always kept the the brush moving and that do n't they ?
9 Mind you , they come to us sometimes for advice on jobs and that do n't they ?
10 They sometimes say rude things and that do n't they ?
11 Wayne yeah but she , she was his neighbours and that do n't she ?
12 Three , four and half do n't it ?
13 you 've got the old fucking tits and all have n't you .
14 I know they 've got a community centre but that do n't you know have everything for people .
15 Yeah , but this has n't it sho , it , first put it up with no glass , so they put the glass in then it looked like a mirror
16 They 've had some more of them as far as that did n't they ?
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