Example sentences of "[conj] [det] [noun] be still " in BNC.

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1 The Scheme has been successful in contributing to the increase in the proportion of suspects who receive legal advice at the police station , although that proportion is still relatively low .
2 The , the point I 'm raising with this is that he does seem , in that particular piece , he does quite strongly , to me anyway , that that individuation is still very strong
3 Assuming that the school had not confirmed its booking , so that rescheduling was still a possibility , it might depend on , for example , whether there was any other suitable time during the year for the trip to take place .
4 However , it also reveals that there is evidence that some analysts are still using less justifiable approaches such as the accounting rate of return and payback .
5 You will see that some topics/themes are still open , and we want to repeat last year 's idea of negotiating these with you .
6 The conditions of neo-colonialism suggest that this fluidity is still significant .
7 Suppose instead that the railway is entitled to emit sparks — but that this right is still worth more to the railway than to the farmers .
8 At present doctors must prove at regular intervals that such patients are still a danger to society .
9 Lillian Faderman accepts that women 's relations may have been less physical in the past , but asserts that it is possible that such relations were still lesbian :
10 We will suggest that these functions are still performed to an impressive and significant degree .
11 That these movements were still essentially Atlantic in their orientation , is shown by the great accumulations of syn-orogenic and post-orogenic sediments down through the Appalachian belt of the United States .
12 However , during all those years of ‘ cut your carbohydrates ’ advice , which impressed itself so much on the British public that many people are still overwhelmed with guilt at the sight of a slice of bread or a potato , all high-carbohydrate foods were grouped together as culprits in causing this rebound hunger which led to excessive eating .
13 In 1606 , Nicholas Bownde commented that many people were still more knowledgeable about Robin Hood than the Bible .
14 One problem for BAF is that many athletes are still sympathetic to Hamilton-Jones 's cause , believing him to be an unwitting victim of an anti-drugs policy designed to catch bigger fish .
15 Although the DoT has said that all options are still open , the consultants are thought likely to recommend the construction of a road from the Chelmsford by-pass to the M25 .
16 We advise readers to check that all parts are still available before commencing any project in a back-dated issue .
17 We advise readers to check that all parts are still available before commencing any project in a back-dated issue .
18 The hon. Gentleman and other hon. Gentlemen will know that those cases are still looked at fairly , but perhaps with the attitude that all the claimants were given a form and asked to sign their name at the bottom of the list , rather than submitted a carefully considered claim .
19 The judges noted , however , that more attention is still required by charities to showing how money is spent .
20 This is because they pay a premium rate to be ‘ first in break ’ , on the basis that more people are still watching ( prior to making the tea , or whatever ) , and that they 're still watching more attentively .
21 The Army ordered sentries to wear flak jackets and constructed many sandbagged emplacements , although most barracks were still protected by little more than chain link fences .
22 Specialists are worried by a recent survey showing that most Britons are still totally unaware of the disease , never mind its life-threatening potential .
23 What 's more , after years of growing awareness about the state of the Earth , it seems to me that most governments are still blind to the readiness of their people to accept radical changes in the interests of their children and grandchildren .
24 They 've ate all the seed and that bread 's still there .
25 And that law was still in effect when the building finally had to close in 1972 , on the expiry of the lease , after which it was transformed into a bank .
26 Today we are in the vulnerable position of producing barely half our own food , with only 2½ per cent of our people directly concerned with working the land , and that percentage is still falling .
27 A SAIRI statement from Beirut on March 9 claimed that over 30,000 people had died during the uprising and that fighting was still raging throughout the south .
28 After a long argument she convinced the guard we were n't tourists and that climbing was still allowed in the area .
29 Some argue that valuations may yet fall further and that care is still needed to avoid paying too much for the wrong deal .
30 We 'll have to do something with Alex 's cos that thing 's still on the front .
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