Example sentences of "[conj] [det] [noun sg] [verb] you " in BNC.

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1 Five year apprenticeship yes and er it was more or less labourer work you were just a boy and run and did messages and carried whatever the journeymen bakers wanted .
2 But once you 've experienced the peace of mind that this insurance gives you , we 're confident you 'll want to continue with your valuable protection .
3 That this book tells you what the new ones are .
4 One officer who had also worked as a trade effluent inspector remarked on ‘ the variety and the flexibility and freedom that this job gives you as opposed to trade effluent control .
5 We hope that this booklet provides you with useful information to be used as a starting point — to start thinking about the issues that HIV and AIDS may raise for us in our lives and to start talking with and listening to our lovers , families , friends and colleagues in an informed , non-judgmental way .
6 We hope that this prospectus provides you with the information you need .
7 Not only that , ’ he continued , his eyes steady on hers , ‘ but when he sees that another man wants you he 'll begin to wonder what he missed .
8 Do n't fly over it unless you have more than enough height to allow you to reposition yourself well to the side again .
9 He had forgotten that you ate food politely , slowly , and that over-indulgence made you queasy .
10 And each experience helps you to mature emotionally .
11 Or , if that person buys you a gift voucher and you do n't necessarily want to have a treatment that states on the gift voucher , you can come and exchange it for products .
12 If that bastard upset you , I 'll go after him personally ! ’
13 Up until this point had you drawn your gun from its holster ?
14 Until this weather changes you 're marooned with me here , anyway .
15 Assynt is one of the loveliest and loneliest parts of the Scottish Highlands and this walk takes you through its heart .
16 I had to end the letters ‘ Always supposing this letter reaches you in time . ’
17 If another competitor catches you up , they may overtake at a safe and suitable place , and you should give way .
18 If another month suits you better please state .
19 If this possibility interests you , your main concern should be to ensure that you are given enough information to check that the retraining will be of real practical value .
20 If this notion suits you temperamentally , then try producing this sort of suspense novel .
21 sharing your life with someone , you want to be with that person and you know that if any thing happens you 've got that person to rely on and I think if your alone you do n't have that .
22 Now I know the old adage that the best way to discover this kind of information is to experiment , but this video offers you a series of starting points that will definitely save you a good amount of time in the long run .
23 I think the alum actually was so because this recipe enabled you to paint them with flowers if you wanted to .
24 Because some bastard cheated you ?
25 As Foreign Secretary , after this news do you still feel Mrs. Thatcher 's stand is the correct one ?
26 When that day comes you remember my words , Michael , because we wo n't forget our friends , whoever they are . ’
27 As each train arrived you would see the reservation stickers on the coaches .
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