Example sentences of "[conj] [det] [Wh pn] [vb past] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 While this suited some people with mild conditions , it became clear that those who attended as outpatients frequently had quite different characteristics from those who were admitted to the mental hospitals as in-patients .
2 Although , as we have seen , shareholding tended to become somewhat more diffused over time , it remains very largely the case that those who promoted and initially financed canal companies and turnpike trusts , were those who expected to benefit from them .
3 Although those who predicted that the National Curriculum would cause a wholesale shift away from group work are apparently proved wrong by these figures , the matter is not that simple .
4 Thatcher 's friends , such as former United Biscuits boss Sir Hector Laing , used to implore her to give British industry the kind of support that was rather more consistent than those who bought and sold its shares in the City .
5 The organisers than those who provided and bought cakes .
6 It left miners , and all who lived and worked with them , scarred and embittered .
7 To the donors of prizes , donations of cash , and ALL who supported and attended this annual social reunion — a very sincere thank you !
8 Looking back at that period , the crucial difference in Conservative politicians was between those who thought that the last twenty or thirty years had not been too bad , and who were sceptical that anything better could be achieved , and those who hoped that something better could be won and saw the last quarter of a century as a slow but steady decline .
9 The Gundovald crisis can thus be seen as a classic illustration of the difficulties raised at the time of the transfer of power from one monarch to another : the dispossessed and those who thought that their status was in question set about making contact with a new lord .
10 Except , as we have seen , for confident bourgeois like James Mill and Edward Miall , both those who campaigned for universal suffrage , like the Chartists in the 1830s and '40s , and those who dreaded and opposed it were agreed that it would lead to the political domination of the working class .
11 As there was no national system of state secondary schools until 1902 there was a constant struggle between those who wanted to raise the level of theological education in the colleges and those who knew that many of the men coming into them had nothing but a primary school education .
12 Single girls of good family were not supposed to know of such things , but Sally-Anne , if not an active suffragette , knew about Miss Annie Besant , and those who said that women should not be tied to endless childbearing and that there were practical ways of avoiding it .
13 There were , however , divisions within the Labour movement between those prepared to press for unemployment benefits and public works and those who argued that these were mere palliatives , and that shorter hours , higher pay and ultimately social ownership of industry should be the fundamental aims .
14 These difficulties were the source of much of the conflict among philanthropists , between those who preferred to give thorough-going help to a few and those who believed that the scale of destitution was such that wholesale relief was necessary at least in times of high unemployment , to palliate serious destitution and to prevent social disorder .
15 Hostility to the talks had led to divisions within the military itself , between those who supported moves towards national reconciliation and those who believed that the URNG should be denied a political platform .
16 Their starting point was to set up a model in which there were no opportunities for arbitrage by specifying an equality between those investors taking their returns solely in terms of capital gains by selling before the share went ex-dividend , and those who sold after the share went ex-dividend and thus collected their return in capital gains and dividends : where .
17 The enquiry looked at 1208 people who , in the application year ending 31 March 1980 , enquired , submitted application forms or dropped out at the various stages of the process of seeking to be matriculated , as well as those who matriculated and graduated .
18 It was even more of a shock to discover that these believed just as firmly in the Nazi cause as those who shouted and sneered .
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