Example sentences of "[conj] [vb pp] and [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Rather , it would intervene where needed and invest in research and development and training , he said .
2 Several animations use voice-overs which recount real-life experiences and dramas — sometimes autobiographical , as in Karen Watson 's ‘ Daddy 's Little Bit of Dresden China ’ ( 1988 ) , or researched and compiled from interviews , such as the story of Josie O Dwyer , an ex-prisoner who was sent to a reform centre at the age of 14 in Marjut Rimminen 's ‘ Some Protection ’ ( 1988 ) .
3 The usual household expendables , a suitcase containing some fairly valuable pieces of pewter ( dumped by mistake ? or stolen and dumped in fear ? ) and , an item which made Pascoe whistle slightly , two guns .
4 A further deep-seated reason for neglect lies in the unforgiving attitudes of the general population towards criminals , which , although fostered and maintained by the British , existed long before and after they left ( cf.
5 Although booted and plastered with mud and out of temper with herself and with him , she deposited him at the drawbridge of Sigouri in just over an hour .
6 Although baptized and buried in Anglican churches , his strongest links were with the Abney Congregational church , which he had largely financed .
7 Michael Lee , although born and reared in squalor on London 's wharves — or perhaps because of it — was not fastidiously clean .
8 Although born and educated in Vienna in 1931 he was appointed Tooke Professor of Economic Science in London University where he remained until accepting a Chair of Social and Moral Sciences at the University of Chicago in 1950 .
9 Although born and bred in the country and reinstalled there for the past 30 years , I fear I am not a proper countryman ; London has dished me .
10 1987 and the influence of ABC and Scritti is everywhere , still , albeit filtered and degraded by intermediaries like the Kitchenware stable ( Kane Gang , Friends Again , Prefab Sprout , Bourgie Bourgie ) and The Style Council .
11 The thegns lived in increasing grandeur but in wooden halls rather than masonry villas ; although tapestried and heated by a central fire they must have been both dirty and draughty .
12 This was the period when admirers of ‘ trad ’ adopted a purist stance , listened rather than danced and frowned on anything slick or commercial or which smacked of the professional dance band .
13 Basically , the methods we used , although tried and tested by other organisations did not bring us the 4,000 members we hoped to see by the end of 1992 .
14 In America , and in his memories of a life still to be wished for although lost and gone for ever , that boy could be glimpsed in Eliot also .
15 To be fair to him , he had repeatedly hinted that , when the evidence was in , it would show that Pound 's contribution went far beyond the mere passing of judgement on particular passages ; and indeed it turned out that the very structure of the poem had been extricated by Pound , rather than conceived and composed by the poet whose name appeared on the title-page .
16 Short deliveries Receiving less goods than ordered and entered on the delivery note may mean lost profit :
17 Place the remaining onion , garlic , toast or tortilla , tomatoes and chillies in the processor , whizz until blended and stir into the nut mixture .
18 3 Place the nuts , raisins , allspice and half of the sesame seeds in a food processor , whizz until blended and transfer to a bowl .
19 I think of people , grand old British artists , like Turner for example , going on grand tours and coming back to Britain and going through , as it were , a period of painting where he is influenced by what he 's seen and heard and experienced in Europe , and then more latterly I think of France as being , Paris as being the centre of art and British artists going and spending their period in Paris and coming back and going through an impressionist or an expressionist phase .
20 A motheaten sort of set , as he frankly recognized — indeed , as they all frankly recognized — left over from Cambridge , and outgrown and abandoned by all its more enterprising members .
21 ‘ But then , ’ she continued like a child reciting a story , ‘ he became secretive and withdrawn and took to meeting in a corner with a sinister-looking fellow . ’
22 Only if registered and paid up as road running clubs will they be able to elect officials on to the Road Running Commission .
23 Large fish can be expensive to buy , but small fish soon grow if fed and looked after .
24 He also directed a Morecambe and Wise film and co-produced and directed with his brother , She 'll Have a Go .
25 Despite the hype , Switchboard is very special ; not because of its size , or its range , or its particular achievements but because of the way in which it has endured and grown and responded to a perceived constituency .
26 And yet between these two , from what has been said and written and recollected by both , an intense and governing bond grew up unlikely though it had at first seemed .
27 This one is a German/French co-production shot in Poland , and written and directed by Polish-born Agnieszka Holland , veteran of several script collaborations with Andrzej Wajda .
28 The bond 's conditions did not allow for this , so even if bought and transferred at less than par between individuals , they had to be redeemed by the Club in full .
29 That impressionable child who had swooned and sighed and lain in bed dreaming of Jake MacKay had finally grown up with a vengeance .
30 ‘ The Other Israel ’ is an hour long , fact filled video imported from America and produced and directed by patriotic Christians .
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