Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] up on [art] " in BNC.

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1 Sub-contracting works fine most of the time but if you want something done urgently and the typesetter is broken or tied up on a job for its owner then guess who 's work is going to have to wait .
2 The lake birds appeared to be healthy enough , but they were always scrounging food from the tourists and picking over the debris that washed up on the lake shore .
3 Their advice should probably have been to go down the High Street to a large newsagents and buy one or more magazines devoted to the PC and read up on the subject .
4 I am not suggesting that all such considerations are rationally run through and weighed up on every occasion ; they are too familiar to require it .
5 He passed out , and woke up on the ground having fallen 1800 feet into a fir tree and five feet of snow .
6 She must have got clearance at Gravesend and sailed up on the ebb .
7 The names of the gold winners were not known until the judges ' scores , which had been sealed , were opened and added up on the night .
8 Did you know it 's a replica of one of the charms said to be over a thousand years old and dug up on the island of Bornholm ? ’
9 He was a Protestant mercenary from Moravia who foresaw Habsburg victory and joined up on the side of the emperor .
10 I had not seen Otley for some time and climbed up on the wall for a better view .
11 Gilly dragged a heavy stuffed chair backward to the shelf and climbed up on the very top of its back .
12 They were prints from some medieval Book of Hours that William had had framed and stuck up on the walls .
13 No pin-ups , just pictures cut from magazines and stuck up on the wall in a kind of patchwork : pictures of lambs and cats and small puppies with ribbons round their necks , country cottages and the tropical beaches that went with advertisements for white rum , whose colours could n't possibly be real .
14 The incident of the Karin B , a ship carrying toxic wastes from Europe , illegally imported to Nigeria , which could not find a home and landed up on the south coast of England in the summer of 1987 , demonstrated that millions of tonnes of highly toxic waste are being shipped around the globe .
15 Then she lit a cigarette and curled up on the window-seat .
16 They took the brandy into the sitting room and lit the gas fire and curled up on the sofa .
17 Locative came ashore later , and broke up on the South Donegal coast .
18 I helped with the cows and the chickens , and went up on the hills with Mr Parks and his dog to look at the sheep .
19 Many young people like myself who were born and grew up on the flat albeit slightly rolling prairies , sometimes feel a yearning for the mountains and the sea , and I was no exception .
20 Last season , United 's Carl Bradshaw was caught in confrontation with Chelsea 's Vinnie at Stamford Bridge by a camera behind the goal and ended up on a disrepute charge , even though the match officials missed the incident .
21 He tried to slap Killion on the shoulder and missed , and ended up on the floor .
22 ‘ There is only one way to decide , ’ he said , and jumped up on the table , making Robertson flinch .
23 Harold gave a murderous cry of rage and jumped up on the stone , aiming the knife straight at the holy old blatherer .
24 ‘ When the show started everybody jumped on it and picked up on the things that were n't working .
25 The old cheese presses which had lain dusty in the stable loft were brought down with difficulty on account of their immense weight and set up on the flagged floor .
26 He let his hand wander a little , and got it petulantly pushed away as she heaved herself out of the clutches of the chesterfield 's upholstery , and sat up on the edge of it .
27 The buses crawling through the gates seem empty , but curled up on the seats , on the floor are the recruits , some with plastic bags over their heads , others muffled incognito in scarves .
28 The nut was not , however , found in situ , but washed up on the loch shore .
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