Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] up in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Thrown on or crumpled up in a bucket of it .
2 Dropped , discarded or duffed up in a temper — who knows ?
3 Small comfort for those languishing in the prisons or holed up in the hills , one suspects , but their toils have been translated into the stuff of great writing — Gabriel Garcia Marquez , Mario Vargas Llosa and Graham Greene have , in different ways , picked over the moral and political wreckage of Latin America , and you feel it needs writers of their calibre to make sense of it .
4 If you put him on a wyvern there is a temptation to spend half the game flitting about behind the enemy lines or stuck up in the air .
5 A blue shape that swam up in the doorway .
6 From London to Canterbury the traffic was solid and the fumes that built up in the car made her head ache .
7 Anne swallowed the gulp of hot bile that came up in the back of her mouth .
8 Erm , some specific points that came up in the comments that you made .
9 The ‘ Golden Ring ’ is an eleven-day journey from Leningrad to Moscow , travelling through the ninth and eleventh-century fortified towns that sprang up in the central and north- eastern regions of Russia .
10 He knew they would be hurrying behind him , might even have heard his running steps on the path or noted , practised woodsmen as they were , the scatter of wood-pigeons that went up in a flurry ahead of him .
11 How many businesses that went up in the 1980s might now come down ?
12 Almost the first store that went up in the rioting was , predictably enough , that of Mrs Soon .
13 Although the Poles participated in the Reichstag , in the Prussian Diet and in the North German Union Parliament , their main areas of activity lay in the co-operatives , culture clubs , in popular education societies , reading rooms , choirs , orchestras and libraries that grew up in the 1880s ; in Catholic social organisations , in the physical culture movement and in the popular Polish-language daily newspapers like the Grudziądz Codzienny .
14 He gained respect , he knew the children that grew up in the neighbourhood .
15 Let us look at those towns that grew up in the midst of their own open fields , that entered the nineteenth century with their population rising at a phenomenal rate , but were wholly unable to expand their building area to meet this rise in numbers .
16 The baby had been taken away immediately and wired up in an incubator for three days .
17 These points were then totalled and posted up in the staff room , and at the end of the year those at the bottom of the list were dismissed .
18 PARIS — The French Army , fatigued by khaki , is to get a new ‘ modular ’ uniform designed by Pierre Balmain and made up in a grey-blue colour known as Terre de France .
19 Once the interlining has been locked in , the two layers of fabric can be treated as one and made up in the same way .
20 They 've been to bed and got up in the morning , and now they 're going off and doing things , like going to work and that .
21 Complex carbohydrates are best taken regularly throughout the day so that the glycogen is steadily replaced and built up in the muscles .
22 He took no notice , but turned in and drew up in the courtyard .
23 After tossing restlessly for half the night , she managed to get a couple of hours ' sleep , and woke up in the morning feeling very angry with herself .
24 I sat on my bed feeling like the man who got drunk and woke up in the French foreign legion .
25 No sooner was Neil in the air than the left gun panel in the upper wing surface came loose and stuck up in the air .
26 As one of my comrades put it : " One bloke tried it and finished up in the Glasshouse .
27 It was like a drain where the dregs and filth exuded from all the other prisons in the land had been gathered together ; the human refuse brushed aside and locked up in an institution that was a dustbin for the unwanted and unmanageable .
28 Other nomes came running across the quarry floor , with Nisodemus in the lead , and piled up in a crowd around the gate .
29 ‘ I got my legs out of the way and curled up in a ball on the driver 's seat .
30 Injured Kevin Mc Alynne , 30 , said : ‘ I felt 10 or 15 kicks and curled up in a ball .
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