Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] by [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Where , however , the cost of providing a service is balanced or overtopped by amounts received for the service from others to whom it is provided , the man in the street might well , and probably would , say that the provider had incurred no expense in providing the particular benefit under consideration .
2 I 've had my picture taken alongside most of Snowdonia 's summit cairns and I no longer feel prodded by guide books or pressured by time to tick off one top after another .
3 Perhaps the most fundamental critique is that provided by theorists emphasizing the global structure of economic and political power .
4 But they were withdrawn immediately after the election , when it seemed likely that interest rates would fall , and succeeded by bonds offering a lower return .
5 It has rows of vertical shirring and can be raised and lowered by cords threaded through rings concealed at the back of the blind .
6 Millones ( 1982 ) believes that the value of the soil as a resource was fully acknowledged by the Incas and is reflected in the many thousands of hectares that were contour terraced and irrigated by water stored in artificial lakes ( chochas ) .
7 Between 1934 and 1937 it invalidated a string of measures initiated by President Roosevelt and passed by Congress to attempt to deal with the economic depression , while between 1954 and 1963 it made a series of decisions regarding the rights of blacks far in advance of anything that could obtain strong presidential and congressional support .
8 On April 18 they were towed into anchorage at Sydney and visited by boats selling fruit .
9 I mean I 'm not , do n't get me wrong , I 'm not one of these formal you know want 's to everything but the idea of this is that we go we get it off the ground and then the management committee take over and run it , it will hopefully have two parish representatives , wo n't be overcommitted by being you know constantly hectored and badgered by people saying this is your ground .
10 The wax was put into a huge wooden bowl , warmed at the fire , and worked by hand to get the last honey out .
11 Bhutto also accused the government of " fabricating " an encounter on May 8-9 with Al Zulfiqar , a terrorist organization alleged by the government to be a militant wing of the PPP , but claimed by Bhutto to have been disbanded almost 10 years previously , in which seven members were reportedly killed , in order to justify its crackdown against the PPP .
12 They were not only evidence of disagreement amongst abolitionists but perceived by contemporaries to have different religious and political characteristics .
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