Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] her [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was sheer , blind gut instinct that made her go to the porter 's lodge and lie .
2 There was something about battling with him that made her feel unlike herself — weak , her mind in total confusion .
3 Marc was still gripping her wrist in a way that made her feel like melting against him .
4 My mum was wearing a sort of large red sack and a conical hat that made her look like a gnome in a pantomime .
5 Bravely , she shut her mind as firmly as she could against the fears that kept crowding in on her as she hurried through the shadows cast by great trees or trod across soggy glades that made her think with a shudder of hidden bogs .
6 Together they cleared the table , and as they moved about the kitchen Lucy thought of her aunt , and in doing so she remembered something that caused her to turn to Silas .
7 T. Behrens is considerably baffled by this strange case , by the question of what it was that determined Ursula 's adherence to this programme , and of what it was that caused her to bring to an end her loving friendship with Justin .
8 She thought more about losing the coal to Mrs Phipps than about Granny , it seemed to me then , but I expect it was the shock that caused her to react in that way .
9 She could feel a coolness on her brow , and would have reached up her fingers to find out what was there , but that she was possessed by a lassitude that prevented her moving at all .
10 In January 1977 , amid rumours of a personality clash with Crawford , Frances Cuka left the production , exercising a clause in her contract that allowed her to go after four months .
11 To her dismay , hot tears burned her eyes in frustration at the physical weakness that kept her kneeling in such a submissive attitude at his feet for several more seconds .
12 Ingrid believes it was fate that enabled her to work in Orkney , near her family , with her friends , and on an island she loves .
13 As she uncovered herself to him — ‘ for I love , and there is no loneliness , no misery , no doubt and ignorance , no hoping for that which seems vain as there used to be , but never will be again ’ — one glimpses the ideal that enabled her to accept without question the life that lay before them .
14 Attending aquafit sessions at Waterworld gave her motivation that enabled her to stick to a diet , lose weight and get her walking again … a great achievement .
15 He reached out and tugged her into the V of his thighs , dropping his mouth to hers and taking it in a kiss that left her gasping for breath and so shaken she could barely stand .
16 He pulled her to him , kissing her with a fierce , demanding passion that left her clinging to him .
17 She gave a tiny shrug , hating the weakness in herself that pushed her to probe for details .
18 Putting down his glass and removing hers , he gripped her shoulders and propelled her to stand in front of the mirror .
19 Whilst Zborowski was still in the south of France Modigliani met Madame Zborowska in the street and asked her to pose for him .
20 The following afternoon Heather called for Shirley , who was in her Six and who lived two doors away from her , and asked her to go with her to Olinton Farm to get some butter .
21 ‘ After a few weeks he told her he was going home , and asked her to go with him .
22 He was away that weekend hang-glinding , and asked her to go with him .
23 She rang Sylvia in New York , and asked her to come to Washington .
24 That 's why I telephoned Eleanor last night and asked her to come to the house this morning .
25 The builder should be summoned to scrutinize the small growth on the pantry 's outer wall , and her husband had informed her that the bank had made another balls-up and requested her to deal with it .
26 , And much as she had disliked the old women when they were grasping at her and joking about her , she did notice that they comforted her mother , talking about her two lovely clever daughters , and made her join in a bit of a singsong and made her laugh .
27 He lit the gas-fire and made her kneel in front of it to warm herself .
28 Instead he was extremely magnanimous towards Anna which irritated her further , and made her repulsed by everything to do with him .
29 Dr Neil registered how withdrawn she was , and once they were back home hot , sugary tea was poured down her in a constant stream , and then , despite the warmth of the day , Matey put a shawl around her shoulders and made her sit near the fire .
30 He clasped her arm and made her get to her feet , but she shook herself free immediately .
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