Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] it [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is as if we have frozen the beauty or anaesthetized it in an image ; but the images are like the humming birds of a museum case , the real and living beauty is incomparably brighter for those birds are gems that flash their iridiscent colours in a tropical forest .
2 I cooked it over a fire or dried it in the sun .
3 ‘ One man wrote or told it in a book ( the Bible ) , another in a picture . ’
4 Someone who has received an object in exchange is like a buyer ; and so is someone who has received it in payment or retained it after settlement of a law suit or obtained it on the basis of a promise otherwise than as a gift .
5 His whole life seemed to hang on each letter in Annie 's hand , his eyes following it until she handed it into the crowd or placed it on a pile to one side and then he would fix on the next letter and the next .
6 Folly had to stifle the impression that he had conjured it by magic — or called it like a horse .
7 Rather , she must have inherited it or bought it at a jumble sale for the sake of something to cover herself as a rest from her everlasting black or perhaps ( most likely ) found it in a drawer of her newly married bedroom , chosen for her by Uncle Philip as suitable for his wife to wear on Sundays .
8 The United States , faced with an allocation problem , began a review of its defensive commitments that led it to the conclusion that in the event of a military confrontation with the Soviet Union in Europe , the resources it could commit to the fledgling NATO alliance would be insufficient .
9 the most important time aspect of a planation surface is from the latest possible time of initiation of the cycle that produced it to the earliest possible time that it ceased being shaped ( i.e. its terminal date ) because of either burial or uplift ;
10 Economic living is a splendid virtue when practised by the bourgeoisie , but the French neither liked nor respected it as a kingly attribute .
11 That this was true offered no excuse to the sick , evil , vicious minds that used it as a tool .
12 Like someone in a trance , she gazed at the clasp that fastened it at the throat .
13 I was just going to mention the fact that if you have had breast cancer you can not go on H R T cos it was a hormone that caused it in the first place !
14 On certain nights the mirror had a faint lustre that separated it from the deeper shadows of the corner in which it stood .
15 They covered a large tract of ground , quite deserted , but conveniently illuminated by the high powerful lights round the warehouses that separated it from the still-working mainline railway .
16 Brand new — in first class condition it must have cost many times that to make , being in heavy tin and having a lid with collapsible handle that turned it into a frying pan .
17 They recorded information on the circumstances of the death and the symptoms and signs that preceded it on a form that included both an open history of the final illness and screening questions for the presence of common symptoms , followed by the application of appropriate modules with precoded answers .
18 Course , what you 've got to think of , Conservatives are the one that started it in the first place .
19 Similar preoccupations dominated the issues that took It into the spring of 1967 .
20 She found the rabbit , chewing on a stubby cactus , and stabbed it in the neck .
21 The Levellers articulated this awareness , and channelled it into a coherent set of democratic political demands .
22 She walked across to the dresser flattened the cheque out and laid it beside the bucket .
23 I was there when they took the Enchantment of the Beastline and laid it across the Silver Loom , and I was there as it fell to shreds in their hands .
24 He took off the heavy overcoat he was wearing and laid it across the top of the filing cabinet .
25 He took her protesting hand , and laid it on a thick roll of tablecloths between their bodies .
26 I took my gun out of the closet and put two bullets in the magazine and laid it on the table beside my bed .
27 Louis carefully folded his handkerchief into a square and laid it on the deck beside his chair .
28 He took the flare from its bracket and laid it on the top of the trap-door .
29 The teacher then took a length of string , cut it to the height of the child and laid it on the ground on top of the shadow of Leanne .
30 He frowned , pulled the napkin from his lap and laid it on the table as he stood up , shrugging apologetically to his mother , seeming to indicate that it was the kind of thing that had happened before , from time to time .
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