Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] what they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The fact that local people had not been informed of the exploratory work as it proceeded , or asked what they thought , had been discussed at some length during the evening , and there seemed to be little doubt that people who are to be " invaded " by a major installation for which they will bear much incidental , site-specific cost , would like to be party to discussions about the project .
2 His unpopularity with the more high-principled of the English derived from the same qualities , for he indulged or encouraged what they considered to be the king 's lechery and laziness .
3 Powell and Pressburger could n't find the stories that expressed what they wanted to say to a contemporary audience , Reed suffered a loss of nerve after making two exceptional films with Graham Greene ( Fallen Idol and The Third Man ) .
4 So , however disillusioned many were with the Tories and however much that swayed what they told the pollsters , they simply could not afford the extra tax burdens promised by Labour and the Liberal Democrats .
5 The move followed the completion of a report , commissioned by Col. René Emilio Ponce , the military chief of staff , and drafted by junior officers , which criticized the conduct of the military operations against the FMLN and attacked what they described as corrupt practices by senior officers , the vagaries of the promotion system and the lack of accountability of commanders .
6 The players seemed to think all they had to do was turn up and got what they deserved .
7 In the aft compartment they went through the routine exercise of listening to the remaining six missiles and found what they had expected , nothing .
8 The five of us ate Jonjoli ( which tasted like seaweed with onion ) and chips and drank lots of Russian Manavi wine and chatted to several rowdy locals , who gave us bunches of flowers and told what they thought about living in Georgia .
9 They protested that the labelling of SM as fascist trivialized the real fight against fascism , and condemned what they saw as the policing of sexual identity by LASM .
10 They came with their ideals , found idyllic peace in the countryside , where a man could hardly fail to notice God in the quietness ; said their prayers in one of the fairest little parish churches in all the land ; reacted against , and then threw themselves into the orderliness of quasi-monastic life ; and studied what they wanted , and thought about truth .
11 Well er they they took so much money when the end of that when they stopped travelling the horse when they was finished the season , they went round all the farms and collected what they call the fairways money .
12 When the Major returned and discovered what they had done , he galloped off and , knowing the country , was able to overtake the thieves on the road to Ludlow , where he killed most of them and retrieved his property .
13 Blake glimpsed the looking glass behind the bar and saw what they found amusing .
14 Attlee and his ministers , despite being a radically intentioned government , did not embark on a reform of the Civil Service because they knew the wartime machine personally and liked what they saw .
15 Dale Baker and Downpatrick clubmate , David Gibson , have already played the course and liked what they saw .
16 ‘ He stood up and said what they did was wrong and he may well be a marked man now .
17 This is not to say that they opposed coalition in 1922 merely from personal motives ; they had a legitimate ambition to serve their country and resented what they saw as the promotion of less able Liberals .
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