Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] their [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Prynn left her to get on with her duties without any unusual comments ; Lady Roscarrock appeared to be her normal self , and the aunts and sisters dozed in their chairs or whispered their rosaries in much the normal way .
2 Since the noises in the House of Commons in 1927 and 1928 , the bishops sanctioned or winked their eyes at various modifications which were sensible and did not mind that they were illegal .
3 The restoration of the monarchy and its patronage proved a particularly valuable source of wealth and position to those who had remained faithful or changed their allegiance with a careful eye to the future .
4 At no time was this " advantage " more glaring than when putting-out capitalists contracted or suspended their activities in rural manufacturing districts , throwing workers on to the parishes .
5 Others went off for extended periods as migrant ( dekasegi ) workers or severed their ties with the land altogether .
6 It was to be alleged that the respondent had pushed the father of the two brothers so violently that he fell and cut his head and that he dragged or threw their sister in such a way as to cause bruising to her arm and neck .
7 When the privy purses were abolished by Mrs Gandhi in 1969 , many ex-kings sought elected office or turned their palaces into hotels to earn a living .
8 Friends , colleagues in the movement who 'd never left their bitter cells , or spent their lives in labour camps till they died of exhaustion .
9 The people on the pavements were always sprucely dressed , they pushed their prams or followed their dogs at a leisurely , unhurried pace ; the cars purred quietly on the smooth roads ; there was always somebody playing at the Tennis Club .
10 She drove slowly in Conterchi so as not to miss the turning and Italians hooted at her or raised their fingers in gestures she knew to be obscene .
11 Sometimes , where occupation is particularly dense , there is little or no evidence for any associated property to the rear , suggesting that their occupants either worked land elsewhere or derived their livelihood from other specializations .
12 Usually the priors became proctors for the king , paying over to him a farm ( or rent ) , but as these farms were based on a high assessment many houses or cells sold or leased their property in order to buy denization .
13 Masai on the government payroll contentedly drew their salaries and accepted whatever titles were bestowed upon them , but either did nothing or interpreted their duty to be that of spokesmen for their compatriots labouring under some inconvenience inflicted on them by the government .
14 Profoundly deaf pupils will almost certainly need modification of the speaking and listening component , especially if they were born deaf or lost their hearing before acquiring language .
15 In the recessionary 1970s , most governments were turned out at elections or saw their share of electoral support fall .
16 Those who coped less effectively , and allowed themselves to become trapped into unsatisfactory lifestyles , were found to be more likely to become depressed , perhaps because they had reduced their chances of achieving a dependable , intimate relationship with their husband , or increased their chances of stressful lives .
17 To the long-term capital outflow of $42 billion had to be added a new element , a short-term capital outflow of $22 billion , as foreign firms and individuals either withdrew their cash from US banks or increased their borrowing from them .
18 And again , over a longer time span genes will have changed by mutation or altered their effects by chromosomal recombination so that the effect they exert on traits can never be considered in isolation .
19 As a result , writers have often resorted to ad hoc explanations of changes in the typical characteristics , or confined their explanations to changes in institutional industrial relations variables , as , for example , in accounting for the outbreak of conflict in hitherto peaceful industries .
20 Rather than ramming the trainers with the guns , the dolphins either " swam away or put their snouts on the trainers ' shoulders — very affectionately ! "
21 They told us that they were good poachers : they never poached deer , or cut fences , or ran their dogs near in-lamb ewes .
22 Obviously most of them had them marked or had their name on them , so that they would have the same er the same set of tools every day .
23 There was this story about er the wife that shared their milk with butter .
24 Not a single one of the millions of fish that fought their way up the river ever returns to the sea .
25 During the epidemic of 1854 Dr Snow uncovered the following facts out of 134 deaths from cholera during the first four weeks , 115 of the fatal cases occurred in houses supplied by the Southwark and Vauxhall Company , only 14 in that of the Lambeth Company 's houses , and the remainder in houses that got their water from pump wells or direct from the river .
26 Great cars helped to develop great drivers and wealthy Britons Lord Howe and Sir Henry Birkin were two of the many aristocrats that tried their hand at the sport .
27 Will he confirm that hoteliers and those who so successfully manage tourist attractions in Wales will not suffer the problems that beset their colleagues in England because of the Secretary of State for Employment who has suspended section 4 assistance ?
28 A charge of magic bigger than he had ever seen was building up ; when he moved , in painful slow motion , his limbs left trails of golden sparks that traced their shape in the air .
29 1.3. b ( v ) Institutions that listed their numbers of school- based inset days ranged from one College and two Polytechnics doing 40+ to 11 institutions doing no school-based work , and 12 who made no response to this question .
30 When Saturday night eventually came , two swollen-footed , limb-aching , shattered soldiers covered as much of the city as they possibly could in three hours with only five shillings each to spend , a problem that limited their discussions on which pub to select .
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