Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] i [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 made a Lady , or made I mean she was given that title , or actually I 'm dead against the fact it was her husband who was given the title , erm but to abstract away from that at the moment , somebody who 's been in public service all their lives and who 's devoted much of their life to the cause of the people , I mean I realize that an awful lot of people would think that Margaret Thatcher has n't done that , but let's say that , for the sake of the argument , that at least that 's what she intended for the time being
2 If anybody has any absolutely yes I 'll be quite happy I mean to me chairman of the trust or with management committee to meet anybody if they feel that they 've got some concern they wish to discuss I 'm quite happy to do that all I can say is that nobody has actually wro wro wrote to me or rang me to say they 'd like to meet to discuss that and I 'm quite happy to do that .
3 I suddenly understood , or thought I understood it all .
4 Erm , but I wanted some cash , so what I did in the end was walked round Asda remembered it , or thought I remembered it , came back out put the erm card back in and the terminal came up erm it 's ok .
5 ‘ W-was there a car crash — or did I dream it ? ’ she asked softly .
6 Why was n't you in registration or did I tell you about the blooming black board ?
7 Why was n't you in registration or did I tell you about the blooming black board ?
8 Or did I post it ?
9 Or did I put it in this one ?
10 Or did I buy them as odd presents for people who might like them ?
11 The first I new was Chris 's sudden , shocked screaming , with an urgency that made me drop what I was doing and run across the room to the open verandah .
12 The thing that made me feel he was more normal was this little bit of dialogue .
13 I failed the Eleven-Plus — that horrible thing and that made me feel I was n't any good .
14 anyhow that made me feel there was no future in Plymouth for that , so this opportunity came , I came and when I got here they did n't carry any sergeants so I would of had to move again if I wanted promotion , which I was n't prepared to do for this , mainly for his education , unfortunately the
15 It was a Frankie Howerd interview that made me realise I do not even want one .
16 I suppose the , the sort of things that made me think I might be suitable for social work have been coming from working with the young .
17 And though he was never to make such almost innocent remarks again , and though Eva and Dad continued to want to make love all the time , and I caught her giggling while she did idiotic things with him , like snipping the hair in his ears and nostrils with a huge pair of scissors , there were looks that escaped all possible policing , looks that made me think he was capable only of a corrupted happiness .
18 Perhaps it was despair that made me believe there was one person in the world who might know that I was in despair .
19 I saw nothing that made me dislike her .
20 ‘ There was something about him that made me know he was the best revue star we had . ’
21 It was you that made me like him .
22 ‘ I should rather say it was something he inadvertently let fall that led me to believe there might be a legal case to answer . ’
23 So it was the likes of that and these things that got me to know my staff and got my staff to know me .
24 It was rare to have six Black gays working politically and personally together in the same workplace and that helped me integrate my identity as a Black lesbian .
25 It was this realization , along with the fact that he was in M. Dupont 's room , presumably addressing this most crucial personage , that caused me to stop my hand from knocking , and continue to listen instead .
26 I have nothing against yesterday 's guitar heroes , indeed it was the Iommi article that caused me to buy your magazine again , but whoever it was in your office who opened up a copy of NME and stuck a pin in it should be encouraged to do so again .
27 The silence that enclosed me made me feel the world had come to an end , that the trees had not yet been informed but soon would be , and would fall on to the stone and thorn , the heather and the fern , skeletons to be picked over , not by vultures but by time .
28 My father used the carrot as well as the stick , of course , and that meant I got everything I wanted , clothes , jewellery , perfume .
29 To compensate , she took a secretarial course : ‘ So that meant I had something to fall back on if the athletics failed . ’
30 She did not ask my name , nor did I offer it .
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