Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] be [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He was perfectly happy that way , or had been up to now , but it was n't a body to put to competition .
2 The change that occurred was mostly before the Act , either despite the war or hindered by war conditions .
3 When they first moved far enough into the courtyard to glimpse Gabriel sitting on his cloud , the morning sunshine dazzled eyes that had been indoors for days on end .
4 He was like an old car that had been around in the neighbourhood for a long time , loaned out among your friends , used and passed on , so that when it got to you in your time , you knew what you were getting .
5 And after that we shipped — me and another feller , an Irish feller , a Belfast man — we shipped in an owd schooner called the Mount Blairie : it was an old thing that had been ashore at — in a little shipyard ; and they 'd done her up during the winter to give them men a job .
6 He had realised it before she had , and somehow the sympathy that had been briefly in those blue eyes , that she had mistaken for some sort of liking , was far more disturbing than his hard , cool look .
7 Catering that had been so under threat in the later seventies suddenly attracted new importance ; indeed , the single Manchester Pullman that looked almost certain to be a casualty of further standardisation in the eighties was joined by a bevy of Pullmans if only Pullman service on HSTs and Mark 3s .
8 I 'd been sexually abused and all of a sudden the poison that had been there for years started boiling to the surface .
9 The sun was setting , making the dogs pink , like the pink wine that had been there on the table .
10 There were none of the crowds that had been there during the day and we could really pray .
11 She brushed away the dullness that settled itself on her whenever she thought too hard about his death , about the way he had chosen to live parts of his life , the worries that had been there within her , deep below the surface , and forced herself to concentrate on finding the right numbered exit to this magnificent part of Gloucestershire .
12 High living standards had encouraged migration to these republics from other parts of the USSR , and this became one of the issues most central to the development of a powerful and widely supported nationalist movement in the late 1980s , particularly since the Baltic nations were relatively few in number and tended to have low birth and high divorce rates ( in Latvia , where golden and silver wedding anniversaries had formerly been celebrated , there were ceremonies in the 1980s for couples that had been together for just a few years ) .
13 No rivets could be used that had been out of the refrigerator for more than two hours .
14 The child who opened the door to him was the one that had been out in the fields with his father .
15 The men at the headman 's house decided , on behalf of the village , that every dog that had been out in the night , possibly taking part in the fight and helping bring down the rabid dog , would have to be killed : and all bitches on heat , whether they 'd been inside or out , must also be killed .
16 We joined the group that had been out in sleet and gales in December , hoping to experience a typical day 's training .
17 He was wearing the leather shoes that had been only for best until they grew too small for his feet and now had to be worn for school .
18 Now , the means whereby the standards of the higher courses , devised by the new polytechnics , could be validated and monitored were also at hand , with the Council for National Academic Awards ( CNAA ) , granted its Royal Charter in 1964 , and charged with ensuring that the courses approved by it were of a standard at least equivalent to similar courses in the universities .
19 A three year old girl who fell twenty feet from a window and survived is back at home .
20 The sale agreed and completed was thus for the land and buildings as they were at that time .
21 She , it turned out , was away , and had been away for some weeks , touring the clubs in the North .
22 To make matters worse , the two men had been ordered to Germany to attend a conference , and had been away for eight days .
23 As veteran commentator George Melly remarked : ‘ The trad boom was both unexpected and untypical ; its heroes were far older than the norm and had been around for much longer ; the emphasis was instrumental rather than vocal ; the sexual aspect was almost non-existent . ’
24 In 1825 , by which time he was 52 years of age and had been back in Australia for eleven years , a new Governor was appointed .
25 He was first on with his presentation , and had been there since six-thirty to make sure there were no slip-ups with his slide presentation .
26 She had re-established contact with her friends and had been out on one occasion in the previous week .
27 Even while it was registering on her from the newspapers in his hands that he was no lie-a-bed but was up and had been out for his paper , he was taking in the damp , startled look of her and , feigning surprise himself , ‘ It 's a mermaid ! ’ he declared .
28 Nicaragua was an American obsession and a dream , a proving-ground for ideology , and had been so for more than a century .
29 He had started to caress her and had been enough in control to ask questions .
30 The Georgian military said the Su-25 had attacked several times during Saturday but had been away by anti-aircraft fire .
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