Example sentences of "[conj] [vb pp] [adv] [conj] in " in BNC.

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1 Certain words , especially if heard often and in childhood , may be encoded or transformed , stored , and later , in disguise , retrieved and re-experienced .
2 Good references required and given here and in the South . ’
3 ( d ) A breakdown into elements — foundations , external walls , roofs , internal walls , etc. , and subdivided again as in ( b ) or ( c ) above .
4 Since then he has toured and recorded extensively and in the 1980s began to experiment with collective improvisation , the results of which can be heard on his album ‘ The Prophet ’ .
5 I. The teacher in preparing a unit or sequence of resource-based or enquiry learning asks : What have we already ? and the answer to his question requires the systematic selection and acquisition of book and non-book materials in all formats , their arrangement and storage for retrieval , the preparation of a suitable index or retrieval tool allowing the identification of suitable items however sought , and some system of controlling or monitoring the use of the materials so that wanted items can be located and reserved even when in use .
6 Both the Trident and Polaris systems , whether clapped out or in embryo , were legitimate areas of concern for negotiation at that time .
7 Thirty six biopsy specimens from 34 adult patients with coeliac disease were retrieved and these were classified into four groups as described below and in the Table .
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