Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [indef pn] of the " in BNC.

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1 But this was an encounter that had none of the froth of those liaisons .
2 More than a hundred years of systematic captivity had created a whole new genus , animals that had none of the skills and few of the desires of a wild habitat .
3 When they had finished he ran round with a hat and allowed none of the audience to escape , saying : ‘ Gentlemen , for our art . ’
4 I behaved with great dignity and showed none of the resentment I may have felt .
5 It appeared to be feeding normally and showed none of the obvious signs of illness .
6 ‘ And yet to have been there and heard none of the holy words which we should naturally have listened for from those lips at such a time — how distressing ! ’
7 The child of one of her lodgers died in her house in April of an undiagnosed heart complaint — the tiny thing 's heart simply stopped as it lay in its cot — and though she was sorry for it and sympathetic to the last degree she was aware that inside herself she shrugged and felt none of the horror and distress such an event would once have caused her .
8 ‘ Ted is not local , ’ he told Tamar , ‘ and knew nothing of the danger of that marsh .
9 That was a mythical representation of Scotland that owed everything to the prejudices of people who lived in the past and knew nothing of the realities of the Scotland that then existed .
10 Sex in Miranda 's experience was n't a matter of spectacle , but of darkness and touch , magnified by her senses ' usually exacerbated state , the extremes of the night , of smoking and drinking and hunger and tiredness , and she was a blind swimmer through walls of warm water , and knew nothing of the practice and technique of the models in the pictures crammed edge to edge in the shop .
11 Mr Litmus was quite certain he had n't and knew none of the other teachers had either .
12 But the appointed attendants snivelled by day and snored by night , and understood nothing of the pharmacopoeia and its uses , until Ariel , strained taut by her predicament , became impatient with them .
13 We were both strong healthy girls at the time , and thought nothing of the dream ; it was just a curiosity ; but she did in fact die two years later — very suddenly , very unexpectedly , of an infection .
14 He brought not only the ‘ Carlisle ’ sign , but many other mementos and photographs and reminded everyone of the importance of the Bishop 's Castle Railway and the world-wide interest in the Bishop 's Castle Railway Society .
15 Only the youngest brother , Goiko , kept his word and said nothing of the matter to his wife .
16 Her hair had been re-styled and had nothing of the incompetent dye job that had once been her most eyecatching feature .
17 Charles was about the same age as Richie and had something of the same military bearing .
18 Towards the front of the hall , which was coldly functional and had none of the baroque charm of Blackpool 's Winter Gardens , sat a group of Young Conservatives , their tattooed arms hidden beneath designer jackets .
19 It was perfectly featureless and reflected none of the light which was being directed on to its surface .
20 Maclagan — jogged silently down the lock 's east wall but found none of the expected demolitions at its gates .
21 She has grown into an elegant and gracious woman , but lost none of the spark that made her such an endearing young bride .
22 I was allowed no anaesthetic because I was so drunk , but felt nothing of the emergency dental surgery or stitches .
23 What did she know of this man who was now her husband , and what was to become of them , two strangers who had begun to be familiar with each other 's bodies but knew nothing of the thoughts and emotions that lay within .
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