Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [adv] over the " in BNC.

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1 Lawton covered as Delaney raised himself , wriggling forward into the nearest pocket of shadow , as Forster and Silk came up like weird , black sea creatures that slithered silently over the rail and into the nearest cover of darkness .
2 He was thirty-eight years old with a youthfully handsome face , tousled auburn hair that hung untidily over the collar of his open-necked white shirt and a sturdy , muscular physique which he kept in shape with a daily five-kilometre run followed by a punishing workout in his own private gymnasium .
3 I was a little confused at one point — after one of Leeds smooth silky passing movements in the first half , which ended in a shot that went just over the bar I think , most of the ground broke into applause .
4 and , and it went , cos it was quite a bit more worth petrol that went all over the place .
5 For many there was a conviction that the post-war world must be made a better place , a view that recurred regularly over the next twenty years .
6 She was dressed in a cream shirt and navy-blue slacks that fitted snugly over the hips ; the only jewellery she wore was a platinum wedding ring .
7 In a syndicated article that ran all over the country , The Washington Post summarised Strickland 's disclosures : ‘ Prof. Rick Heber 's group at the University of Wisconsin may have settled once and for all the question of whether the disproportionate mental retardation of slum children is the result of heredity or environment . ’
8 Belinda found some clean sheets of a three-quarter-bed size that stretched comfortably over the extra width of the hospital bed .
9 He straightened up and gazed anxiously over the end of the bed at her .
10 ‘ So am I. ’ Heather turned again to the opening and gazed hard over the fields to where the spirals of smoke were rising behind the bushes .
11 Dawn Run took the lead from the start and hopped nimbly over the first two fences .
12 Humpbacks , sperms and rorquals formed the basis of an extensive antarctic whaling industry , which began in 1904 at a single whaling station on South Georgia and expanded enormously over the next three decades , making use of both shore stations and pelagic fleets .
13 The arm uncurled onto Richard 's chest and moved there over the nipples and down onto the tensing stomach .
14 Defries and Ace crawled up to a hollow , and peered cautiously over the lip .
15 The relative positions of the players changed and changed again over the second half and , as we waited on the eighteenth tee , Miguel had edged yet again one shot ahead of Jack .
16 What has changed , and changed radically over the period from the late 1960s to the early 1980s , has been the perception of that culture .
17 She stood up and clambered clumsily over the fallen rocks towards where Klift had been standing .
18 She forbade him to accompany her beyond the door and walked alone over the golden sand past the flower-beds to the gate .
19 Geoffrey Wilkinson 's deputy was Peter Bardon who joined the RAF soon after the Second World War and served all over the world , particularly in the Far East .
20 Nails bit his tongue and slithered all over the place .
21 And yet she held her breath as she leaned out from the cover of the first-floor corridor , and hung cautiously over the oak rail .
22 The engine was built at Swindon in 1929 and worked all over the Great Western before withdrawal in 1964 .
23 Then he took his hands from the organ and looked all over the keyboard as if to make quite sure that all the keys and stops were there .
24 Surere had managed to obtain a wig that rose high on the crown and fell heavily over the back and shoulders .
25 Whirling like a miniature tornado past Lucenzo 's menacing bulk , she persuaded her legs to stop wobbling by sheer force of will and strode angrily over the deep snow to the nearest bus stop .
26 During a healing session , scads of reddish-brown aromatic powder ( ‘ just like savoury mixed spice ’ , says Boltwood prosaically ) , suddenly appeared from his fingertips , and sprayed all over the stage and the people sitting nearby .
27 To the delight of husband Billy ‘ Big Yin ’ Connolly , she squeezed into a tight red mini-dress and went right over the top .
28 But having h done that and having gone off his toe , he the wardrobe was n't in front of him so much as it was down there by now , and he 'd still got hold of it you see , so because of the momentum , of going that way down two steps and one further one he shot forward and went right over the edge of the wardrobe .
29 He started , as he had intended , from where the last interview had left off and went quickly over the ground again .
30 ‘ Young Jim just lost the front end of the bike and went all over the road .
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