Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [pers pn] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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31 It was sheer , blind gut instinct that made her go to the porter 's lodge and lie .
32 There was something about battling with him that made her feel unlike herself — weak , her mind in total confusion .
33 Marc was still gripping her wrist in a way that made her feel like melting against him .
34 My mum was wearing a sort of large red sack and a conical hat that made her look like a gnome in a pantomime .
35 Bravely , she shut her mind as firmly as she could against the fears that kept crowding in on her as she hurried through the shadows cast by great trees or trod across soggy glades that made her think with a shudder of hidden bogs .
36 This presented a thought that made me shudder with fright : this awesome , eerie world-apart in the dead of night , unbearably cold , no moon or stars , merely the moan of the mysterious gods beneath the ice …
37 It was only the thought of this poor baby in me that made me stir at all and get myself to a friend of Ferdinando 's who is in the way of knowing all the business of the street being a wine-merchant and visited by all .
38 The g was less , and that made me feel at home .
39 The audience were a comic 's dream and when Dennie came back on stage and whispered ‘ two minutes to count-down ’ I ran off to applause that made me feel like Mike Tyson .
40 Perhaps it was Lanyon 's horror that made me feel like that .
41 ‘ These are the songs I grew up listening to , ’ she says , ‘ they are the songs that made me want to be a singer . ’
42 The only thing that made me go into any routine was Pam .
43 The humbucker carries a clean sound well , although there 's a hint of midrange that made me go for the coil-tap to keep things sounding sweet .
44 Surfing Hawaii was like being in the Blitz , and it may have been the thought of death that made me think of love .
45 There was a lot of tooth-sucking for a while as he tried to get me to say more and that was almost funny , given that it was the tooth-sucking that made me think of it in the first place , suddenly thinking .
46 She always wore a flowered cotton overall and her thin gingery hair framed a face that made me think of a martyr in search of grace .
47 More than anything else it was the two essays Camus wrote evoking ‘ the great free love of nature and the sea ’ at Tipasa that made me come to Algeria .
48 When I wrote ‘ Nirvana ’ , it was just supposed to be this positive thing about a song that made me wan na go and live , not really a political thing , like you say someone might hear that and go out and try to change things .
49 I 'd swap my vest and plasters for a Marks and Spencer circle-stitched bra , a rigid , pointed contraption that made me look as if I had a couple of ice-cream cones up my jumper : I could never fill them to the end ( not even on a good day ) and the last waltz would result in dents in the ends .
50 She seemed so happy and positive and the thing that made me opt for that hospital was when she said , ‘ Childbirth is the woman 's experience , we 're just here to back you up . ’
51 Lamarck is presented to us as a man misunderstood , misrepresented , undeservedly neglected and as the subject of calumnies that made him appear as ‘ the enemy of religion and teleology , even as a mechanistic materialist ’ .
52 It was Mr Banzer 's wrath that made him go into exile in Argentina .
53 She came to know instinctively the kind of candid , vivid anecdote that found favour with him , the sort of thing that made him chuckle with delight , and sometimes scribble it down in a note-book .
54 He remembered old dad VATman up at Hoomey 's sitting by the fire and how he had wanted to go there , and that made him think of a good name : Lucky Fireside … no , Firelight , Lucky Firelight .
55 But he looked up all the same and saw the bike pass by , the rider wearing an unfamiliar black helmet and black leathers , the motorbike low-slung , bulging , making a noise that made him think of someone beating cream in a bowl with a wooden spoon .
56 ‘ Knowing him , I expect he wanted to get rid of anything that made him think of the separation from his family , ’ she said sympathetically .
57 Perhaps it was these journeys that made him realise to the full how many of the world 's species were on the brink of extinction .
58 Something knocked his hat over his face , he pushed at the peak , saw the grey 's hindquarters lift elegantly over the gate and out into the light , felt Conker steadying and kicked him on swiftly because there was n't time to stop , he swung his hand back and hit the pony who lifted suddenly , landing with a jolt that made him grunt with effort .
59 As for Forrester , Whelan , Bowman etc I got the impression that it was more desparation that made him turn to the younger players , granted their performances were top notch but I think the injury situation had more to do with it than Wilko 's judgement , after all where are they now ? ? ?
60 In the centre of the road was a six-foot colour portrait of President Assad , an artist 's impression of the Syrian leader in air force uniform that made him look like an elderly Battle of Britain pilot , eyes narrowed against the sun , gaze fixed on the heavens .
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