Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [prep] [noun] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Some time before his entrance , campesinos had rushed and squabbled like geese when another confession box was opened , but now they stood or sat in silence holding their children to them as the liturgy was gone through .
2 In arguing the Slovak case for the altar Mr Richard Marsina , a historian charged with heading the Slovak commission for drawing up claims , points to Prago-centrism — one of the grievances that led to Slovakia following its path to independent statehood .
3 It was this arrangement that led to Branson waking up one morning in March 1976 , at his home in Denbigh Terrace , to find three men standing at the foot of his bed demanding money .
4 Their slow learning can not be explained by assuming that the pre-exposed tone tended to evoke a response that interfered with lever pressing .
5 Perhaps the most fundamental critique is that provided by theorists emphasizing the global structure of economic and political power .
6 Women left behind by the emigrants , ‘ widows ’ who had not heard from their husbands for decades , daughters growing up without fathers , without grandfathers , without brothers -once they too were old enough to leave — were hungry for men , everyone knew that , and the law made its profits from the devils — Greed and Lust and Envy — that scampered among humans playing a deadly tag in which all the players are caught and brought down , one by one .
7 Brentford striker Gary Blissett was sent off for the foul that resulted in Uzzell going to hospital for an operation to rebuild his cheek on December 14 .
8 Ahead , a series of clattering bumps that sounded like wood falling against wood echoed through the trees ; no doubt Fernand was once more busy with the task of repairing the guard-rail .
9 But they were withdrawn immediately after the election , when it seemed likely that interest rates would fall , and succeeded by bonds offering a lower return .
10 On April 18 they were towed into anchorage at Sydney and visited by boats selling fruit .
11 So , with this in mind , he borrowed his Father 's van and drove towards Gloucester looking forward to a relaxing afternoon in the steam .
12 The story was obliquely based on the death of Philip 's father and told of miners digging their way to their trapped workmates .
13 I reluctantly decided to stay and came to London knowing one lesbian .
14 Ards were not overawed however and came with venom putting the visitors under severe pressure for some 15 minutes , but their only reward was a penalty from out-half Fry .
15 She wandered round the factory looking for her and came across Dagmar doing the same .
16 I mean I 'm not , do n't get me wrong , I 'm not one of these formal you know want 's to everything but the idea of this is that we go we get it off the ground and then the management committee take over and run it , it will hopefully have two parish representatives , wo n't be overcommitted by being you know constantly hectored and badgered by people saying this is your ground .
17 Declarer obviously did n't appreciate the imminent danger of the club suit and ducked in dummy allowing West to win with the king .
18 She chalked a keyhole shape on the front , which she cut out and neatened with bias binding .
19 With typical diligence she undertook an intensive Arabic course , and arrived in Egypt chatting to boatmen like a veteran .
20 We had one engineer on duty , so he went out and spent about hour drafting a whole bunch of Z-sections made out of steel .
21 Full of hatred and Greek yoghurt she pushed and pulled at Otley sending him this way and that .
22 The camera returned to the scene of the disaster , lingered over piles of debris strewn on the railway embankment and focused on firemen cutting through the tangled remains of the trains .
23 The 1970 Conservative Government replaced the Estimates Committee by an Expenditure Committee with broader terms of reference ; it had forty-five members and worked through subcommittees specializing in different areas of government activity .
24 He turned and looked at Dinah lying on the bed , her shoes kicked off beside it , her hair out of its pins for comfort , her gown unlaced .
25 In time I became Wolsey 's friend , the only man to stand by him when he fell from power and lay in bed gasping out his life and cursing the king who had turned against him .
26 He was crowned European indoor champion in Genoa early in the year and went to Barcelona believing he could reach the 100 metres final and challenge for a medal .
27 This made it an offence for anyone to conduct insurance business in the UK without authorisation and resulted from concern following the collapse of several ( mainly general insurance ) companies in the 1970s .
28 She sat in her bright office and thought of Müller coming to the apartment that day .
29 How she worked this out was a mystery to Henry , since her mother 's role in Elinor 's life was confined to twice-yearly visits in which she sat in their front room and listened to Elinor telling her how awful Henry was .
30 As midnight drew near , they burst balloons , popped champagne corks and tore around Delhi honking the horns of their new Marutis .
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