Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [pron] [to-vb] in " in BNC.

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1 The answer from Realists is that the leaders had either misperceived the situation or miscalculated what to do in it .
2 She thought more about losing the coal to Mrs Phipps than about Granny , it seemed to me then , but I expect it was the shock that caused her to react in that way .
3 Goldner toyed with the offer , but decided to stay on at the Getty after negotiating a new contract that allowed him to remain in his hometown of New York most of the year ( with short stays in Malibu ) , in effect managing and adding to the Getty 's collection in absentia .
4 They remember , acutely , the blank cheque that Lyndon Johnson got from Congress in the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin resolution that allowed him to fight in Vietnam .
5 So it still was n't gon na meet the actual need that prompted them to occur in the first place .
6 Ingrid believes it was fate that enabled her to work in Orkney , near her family , with her friends , and on an island she loves .
7 I had planned the journey here to Salisbury with considerable care , avoiding almost entirely the major roads ; the route might have seemed unnecessarily circuitous to some , but then it was one that enabled me to take in a fair number of the sights recommended by Mrs J. Symons in her excellent volumes , and I must say I was well pleased with it .
8 The clue to his gardening success in such unpromising terrain can be found at Hidcote in Gloucestershire , for it was a visit there during the 1960s that inspired him to hedge in his land , making a series of compartments to protect plants from the weather .
9 This argument turned out to be the one that forced us to admit in the first place that we do not know that we are not brains in vats .
10 Putting down his glass and removing hers , he gripped her shoulders and propelled her to stand in front of the mirror .
11 At one time , he even dominated Mot , the surly god of death , and banished him to exile in the desert .
12 He appeared to enjoy talking to me and invited me to call in whenever I was passing .
13 And then , instead of hiding until the passage was clear , fitzAlan had given her a shove and told her to wait in the last cubicle .
14 Once , whilst in Venice , the Inquisition caught me , tried and condemned me to burn in the great piazza before St Mark 's .
15 Three days after Calley 's conviction he freed him from jail pending his appeal and allowed him to live in his officer 's quarters .
16 In the face of a severe crisis relating to international reserves the government devalued the currency twice , in February and in March , and allowed it to float in September .
17 Meechai told reporters that so-called " sex tourists " were no longer welcome in Thailand , and warned them to remain in their own countries " and exploit their own women and children " .
18 However , ‘ Capitalism and its attendant , the modern State , effected everywhere a widening of the cultural community in that it freed the masses from the fetters of an all-powerful tradition and called them to participate in the regeneration of a national culture ’ .
19 Where others were most sharply conscious of the crisis posed for theology by the development of modern culture and the change in our self-awareness , he saw the real crisis as lying in the inability of theology to do justice to its object , and called it to look in the opposite direction from that it had been taking .
20 Pike the ditcher and Watkin the dung-collector had , in the absence of any relatives , sewn the body into a canvas sack , placed it on a wooden trellis and brought it to lie in front of the chancel screen .
21 It introduced him to enlightened learning and a sophisticated life of foreign travel , and enabled him to move in the scientific circles centred round Sir Charles Cavendish .
22 At the end of each day , as he had done since the beginning of the autumn , Robert took him home , where Mr and Mrs Wilson petted him , fed him , and put him to sleep in the spare bedroom as if he were their own son .
23 Andy , my anaesthesiologist , gave me a smile and a pre-med jab and left me to float in a warm sea-green calm which was interrupted by the slap of rubber swing-doors and a breathless , ‘ Hi , my name 's Nudleman .
24 Clement 's final assistance to Edward came in 1306 when , resisting the king 's call to deprive or translate Winchelsey , he suspended the primate and summoned him to exile in the Curia .
25 a star and wanted us to share in the good luck .
26 The Assembly approved a law to " perpetuate the memory of the 1956 revolution and freedom struggle in law " and declaring Oct. 23 a national holiday ; it also unanimously approved a statement of intent on joining the Council of Europe ; and it accepted the resignation of outgoing Prime Minister Miklos Nemeth of the Hungarian Socialist Party ( the reformed successor to the Hungarian Socialist Workers ' Party ) , but requested him to remain in office at the head of an interim government until a replacement government had been formed .
27 On Oct. 20 the ANC and PAC excluded AZAPO from the convening committee of the conference , but invited it to participate in the meeting .
28 The Spirit of life not only revived the woman , and caused a spontaneous remission of the cancer , but brought her to trust in Christ — which from that background was quite as great a miracle .
29 The Board of Guardians dealt with the matter in committee , and later issued a statement to the press : the master had been before the Board about certain irregularities , but had nothing to say in response .
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