Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] is [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 UnixWare TCP/IP & NFS is priced at $300 , Personal Utilities will cost $400 and Encryption Utilities are $100 .
2 The Novell dominated local area network market will be the first area to be addressed — exactly the same market that UnixWare is aimed at .
3 Tory chiefs have learned that Mussolini is to speak at their party conference in October .
4 But he added that Glaxo is looking at possible investments .
5 The news that Esau is coming at speed , and with a force , strikes terror into Jacob .
6 World Communications Year ( WCY ) began in January , The United Nations , whose brainchild the year is , has largely failed to communicate that WCY is happening at all , let alone why it is needed .
7 At my Granny 's we hear the Parkhead roar all afternoon if Celtic is playing at home , and we take the train home from Carntyne station where a nauseatingly bad smell fills the air .
8 Thus , to take a matter of current importance , the policy of imposing sanctions on Serbia and Montenegro is implemented at Community level by legislation adopted under Article 113 of the EEC Treaty as a matter of common commercial policy .
9 If Cziffra is remembered at all in England it is for his technique , which has acquired a quite legendary status .
10 The cooperativity between α-truncated polymerases and CRP is lost at the lac promoter , consequently it was expected that binding of CRP at its target in the -60 region would not lead to the occupancy of lac P1 by the mutant enzymes .
11 Watch out if you run SuperStor or Stacker on your machine , though — unless BOOTSAFE is pointed at the ‘ real ’ hard disk — drive D — you 'll trigger a false error message .
12 The official Soviet estimate of the projected cancer deaths in western Russia after Chernobyl is put at 4000–5000 due to exposure to iodine-131 and as many as 40,000 from exposure to caesium-137 .
13 When Jo is hiding at Bleak House Skimpole accepts a bribe from Inspector Bucket to reveal the boy 's presence .
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