Example sentences of "[conj] [coord] [adv] [pron] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 Cos we need to cos we need to sort of all hands to the pump next week cos we 've got a big change-over Yeah but I know ink well no cos the leaflet he 's got has only just been approved and it 's going out next week yeah well I mean you 're to ha you 're to handle their enquiries er deal with their enquiries and then tell them to phone yeah yeah yeah but you see it 's the mailing that 's gone out and and then he 's got to do some advertising first two weeks in Feb .
2 And and sometimes it takes a long time , does n't it .
3 Because and then she goes erm all quiet and say something so me and Amy and Emma jump in .
4 Whether or not one feels that , by modern standards , Mrs Sherwood 's attitude was a healthy one , the fact remains that , despite the loss of a second child in India , she and her husband were able to return to England with their faith unimpaired , and settled down to live useful and active lives .
5 Whether or not one feels they are equipped to advise headteachers it is difficult to avoid doubting their skills at inspection .
6 Whether or not one agrees with Oakeshott 's position , it represents a sophisticated defence of the imperfectionist argument for a ‘ limited politics ’ , and it certainly warrants more consideration than Honderich provides .
7 Whether or not one hears well the face of the speaker helps to convey their message .
8 Remarking that Dostoevsky 's The Idiot does not altogether ‘ come off ’ , he is making a coherent and discussable point , whether or not one accepts it .
9 Am I being told that the law of England is so deficient that , if one assaults a person by driving a car at them to the danger of that person 's life or property — whether or not one damages either — that is not a crime known to the common law of England , and would it not attract the most condign penalties ?
10 Whether or not one regards this as a prime example of the way in which a political settlement was undercut by the optimism of those Frenchmen who believed in a military solution it should also be pointed out , as Irving does , that ‘ Any policy which might have been construed as the abandonment of Indo-China would have been rejected by the National Assembly in 1947 , if not by an overwhelming majority , then at least by a decisive one ’ but this , in turn , did nothing to resolve the US dilemma .
11 Whether or not what has been suggested here reflects your view of the world is immaterial .
12 Hence , instead of asking a voter whether or not s/he intends to vote Republican , they would ask a battery of questions bearing on many aspects of policy .
13 It 's all good-humoured teasing and winding up , and for my part I 've long since ceased to care whether or not anyone regards me as the worst climber in the world or some sort of antediluvian relic with no rights to any opinion on ‘ rock climbing as it is done these days . ’
14 Find every instance of Paint whether or not it forms part of a whole word .
15 Considerable ambiguity arises when the appearances of the incident are such that it is uncertain whether or not it fits one of these types of abnormal situation .
16 A court has power to make a s8 order whether or not it varies or discharges the supervision order .
17 I mean is n't it really using a computer is merely a facilitator , like using a car is a simple way of transport , and therefore whether or not it facilitates is nothing to do with the system itself , it 's to do with the way in which it 's used .
18 Becker hints at the inside model when he concludes , not without generating some confusion , that ‘ whether a given act is deviant or not depends in part on the nature of the act ( that is , whether or not it violates some rule ) and in part on what other people do about it ’ .
19 Ideally , investors need complete information about the likely cash flow distribution , whether or not it encompasses the possibility of failure .
20 Love may or may not produce happiness ; whether or not it does in the end , its primary effect is to energize .
21 However , whether or not it does so is a matter of construction , and it seems equally clear both that a court will be unwilling to interpret a clause as applying to such breaches and that , in the event of a dispute , the party challenging an exclusion clause can be expected to raise the argument that the breach is fundamental and not covered by the exclusion .
22 For Kuhn , whether a field qualifies as a science or not depends on whether or not it conforms to the account of science offered in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions .
23 These in turn are complicated by differing definitions of incontinence , and in particular the following variables : when it last occurred ; how frequently ; and whether or not it poses a social or hygienic problem ( no study addressed this question directly ) .
24 If a company meets these requirements in any year and is therefore entitled to the accounting exemptions for that year it will also be entitled to the same exemptions for the following year , regardless of whether or not it meets the criteria .
25 It 's a fact , whether or not it seems easy depends on how it is approached , how it is taught .
26 This means that an applicant seeking a first interim order in care proceedings , whether or not it follows upon an emergency protection order , should file and serve on all respondents before the hearing statements of the evidence to be relied upon .
27 It is clearly laid down in the Act that it is for them to consider whether or not the nuisance exists , whether or not it has been abated , and whether it still exists , and , if it does , it is for them to consider which of the requirements of the abatement notice are to be carried out or how otherwise the nuisance is to be abated .
28 This includes knowing what time of day to take it , how long you should continue taking it ( just until you feel better or until the end of the full course ? ) , whether or not it has any side-effects ( such as drowsiness ) , and whether or not it should not be taken in conjunction with certain foods or alcohol .
29 Whether or not it has any prospect of success this court is in no position to determine , but while it remains alive we do not consider that the judgment of this court can be described as final within the meaning of rule 2 ( a ) .
30 The most important factor is whether or not it has a standard case and motherboard .
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