Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] say [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And Jerome says that on realizing what he had done , and believing that what he had done was murder , he fled , back here into hiding .
2 This is the truth manifest in the Incarnation , and Dionysius says that at such a moment the mystic is like St Paul who said : " I live and yet not I , but Christ lives in me " .
3 Elstir 's paintings persuade Marcel of their truth , but it 's a truth which is different from the intellectual truth which he first brought to his initial contemplation of those paintings , and Marcel says that in this way , by his art , Elstir frees us from the cramping tyranny of the intellect , by painting , and again I quote , ‘ by painting some unusual picture of a familiar object .
4 Frederica said obviously that the sky and the sea and the boats were uncannily like Van Gogh , and Hodgkiss said that of course they would never have seen them in this way before he saw them .
5 But Elaine says that despite this help , she might as well be in an institution .
6 The talks had taken place in a remarkably cordial atmosphere , and at a joint press conference at their conclusion on May 4 , de Klerk declared that he regarded the working document [ see below ] as " an important breakthrough in the peaceful process " , while Mandela said that as a result " not only are we closer to one another , but we are all of us victors " .
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