Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] [noun prp] [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 John McCarthy , Terry Waite , Jackie Mann and spent time in a special unit where Dr Turnbull helped them come to terms with what had happened to them .
2 We went into the garden , where Mrs Goreng showed them her flourishing orchids .
3 It has not been explained how they were able to do so without taking any instructions from Mrs. Steed , but it has not been suggested that Mrs. Steed authorised them to do so .
4 Tory members who felt that Mr Lawson regarded them as intellectual pigmies ( as , doubtless , he did ) are puffed up with pleasure at how this kinder , gentler chancellor listens to them .
5 These disappeared and it was not until 1991 that Mr Fothergills reintroduced them as ‘ Brighton Rock ’ .
6 And er the story 's been told many many times that Lloyd George advised them , I 've forgotten the name of the old man , but his wife was buried in the churchyard , and his family wanted to bury him next to her , but they wanted the nonconformist
7 East Down won Division Two while Lisburn took the Women 's Inter-club title although Lagan Valley beat them on the day .
8 Luckily neither your grandmother nor Queen Mary saw them , but your grandfather did .
9 ‘ The night that Corporal Blagg brought them here , the Standesbeamte at Bad Schwarzendorn — he was killed . ’
10 Very kindly , Carole and Ben Meadows invited them to come and stay over the weekend .
11 That 's presumably why people like Rotosound , Picato and Dean Markley use them .
12 The Incas killed each other to ensure a supply of human blood as sacrificial fertiliser for their potato planting rites ; Shakespeare wrote of its aphrodisiac qualities , Louis XIV wore its flower in his buttonhole and Van Gogh painted them .
13 And they looked on course when goals from Ryan Giggs and Ian Rush put them in front after the RCS had taken a 16th minute lead through Pavel Kuka .
14 City have n't won a trophy since 1976 when goals from Peter Barnes and Denis Tueart took them to League Cup victory over Newcastle .
15 Neil Webb and Danny Wallace will also figure , while the foreign players will be Brian McClair , Mark Hughes and Peter Schmeichel , with assimilated players Ryan Giggs and Denis Irwin joining them .
16 Lynda Clifford did a sponsored aerobic session , Sue Tons and her family took part in the Great North Walk , Cycle Ride and Run , and Gary Bainbridge joined them for the Run .
17 The Wardley family collection contained many treasures , including many Pre-Raphaelite paintings , and Miss Hatherby knew them all intimately .
18 The Wardley family collection contained many treasures and Miss Hatherby knew them all intimately .
19 The door opened and Miss Hardbroom beckoned them inside .
20 So in the afternoons Anne and some of her friends stayed late at school , and Miss Stacy helped them with the special examination work .
21 Twice they 've been with a cart , and Miss Theda let them take it all without a word said ! ’
22 Of course , all their Thrush Green friends rallied round them , and Joan and Edward Young gave them comfort and a meal that evening .
23 Scarborough booked a fourth round tie against either Derby or Arsenal when second-half goals from Tommy Mooney and Andy Mockler gave them a 2–1 win over Plymouth .
24 The target of 221 for 3 seemed beyond Maldon early on as Essex II bowler Glen Bolton and Nigel Hilliard pinned them down .
25 I 'd heard Joe Walsh and Pete Townshend used them quite heavy , and I rather liked the tone they got , so I slowly built it up until I got up as high as I could be comfortable with , and I 've been using that gauge ever since . ’
26 Jackie Crook put Hightown back in front and Tina Cullen put them further ahead in the 46th minute .
27 Fred Heatley described them as ‘ an autonomous adjunct of the Republican Movement ’ , and Roy Johnston called them ‘ a Fabian Society to the Republican Movement ’ .
28 Two other NTB members , Michael Portillo and Peter Lilley , are already in the Cabinet so if Mr Redwood and Mr Forsyth join them this will reassure Tory Euro-sceptics , one of Mr Major 's political priorities .
29 Hoomey achieved his quarter of a width , Jazz did two lengths , Bean three and Gary seven , and Mr Foggerty bought them all a coke each , reminding himself to put it down on expenses , and left them to catch their various buses .
30 Steve sniggered and Mr Shepherd gave them a quiet smile .
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