Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] [conj] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This feature is sponsored by Winsor & Newton and independently produced by The Artist magazine in association with Jonathon Stephenson Dec 1992
2 Liza was withdrawn and preoccupied , hardly able to converse with either her mother or Edna and almost ignoring Celia 's presence altogether .
3 Unless you 're about forty-five and come from Bradford or Stepney and already have about nine children who 've brought you to recognise your oppression , there 's a big down on pregnancy . ’
4 And in one experiment rats were exposed throughout infancy to the music of either Mozart or Schoenberg and then given musical preference tests in adulthood ( with the result that animals brought up on Mozart showed a definite preference for that music , whereas the Schoenberg-reared group gave no indication of a hankering after the familiar music ! ) .
5 She liked to take walks alone , and occasionally pretended she completely belonged in St James 's Park or Kensington and always had .
6 As is so often the case in Paisley 's career , the crucial step was taken by someone other than Paisley and then offered to Paisley as an opportunity the possibilities of which he could appreciate .
7 It is never harder than HVS and highly recommended .
8 With more first preference votes as a result of successful equalisation McNarry might have expected to stay in the count longer than Bradford and thus receive votes from the transfers of opponents .
9 He was a hulk of a man in his middle fifties , inches taller than Maxim and instinctively stooping under the low beams of the tap-room .
10 For example , West Germany and the Netherlands both have lower female work-force participation than Britain but also have considerably lower fertility ; while Japan , with a period fertility level about the same as Britain 's has a relatively low work-force participation by married women .
11 Mr West 's early retirement means that Richard Clothier will to take over as chief executive in April rather than June as previously announced .
12 Rover 's bucking the national trend , while Ford and Vauxhall and even Japanse giant Nissan experience a slump in sales .
13 and Kelly as well to talk about what you were doing today .
14 He was an inflexible , even fanatical supporter of the ultramontane line taken by Wiseman and Manning and often machinated against the other English bishops , exacerbating disputes and misrepresenting them to the pope .
15 Try the sophisticated cocktail bars like Nouveau 7 and Tartaya and then move onto the Breezie or Plantation discos for some serious dancing .
16 Eventually they reached Paris in May 1766 , travelling then through Switzerland and Germany and finally arriving home in Salzburg in late November .
17 It has more than fulfilled its founding fathers ' two objectives : to rebuild the economy of a shattered Europe , and to bury the hatchet between France and Germany and so bind together the nations of Europe that they would never go to war again .
18 On his arrival he immediately set about strengthening his Manors at Halling and Trottescliffe and also erected as mentioned the high walls around the Palace .
19 He patronized John Lewis and Marks and Spencer and usually felt glad that he did .
20 Old Florence had left as usual for East Gore to stay with Jim and Jean and ostensibly to clear her verandah room for Tina and the new baby , but really everyone knew it was to get out of the way before all the excitement .
21 It was twenty to eleven when you said goodbye to Hatton and Pertwee and even walking none too fast you should have been indoors at home by eleven .
22 In his last season with us , 1923–24 , he became a phenomenal penalty saver : between December and March he saved spot-kicks at Derby , The Wednesday , Clapton Orient and Bury and fully deserved the acclaim he received .
23 With reference to your letter dated March 11th , I note your disinclination to pursue the addresses in Croydon and Kilburn and fully sympathize with your feelings .
24 On this day : the Gregorian calendar was adopted in Italy and Spain and today became 15 October 1582 ; Spain declared war on Britain , 1796 ; Italian troops occupied Tripoli , 1911 ; the first air battle took place between German and French aircraft , 1914 ; the Allies landed at Salonika , 1915 ; Sir Arthur Lee presented the estate of Chequers as an official country residence for the Prime Minister , 1917 ; the Locarno Conference met and the great powers guaranteed frontiers and agreed to put disputes to arbitration , 1925 ; unemployed shipyard workers started to march from Jarrow to London , 1936 ; the Cominform ( Communist Information Bureau ) was set up to aid European Communist parties , 1947 ; tea rationing ended in Britain , 1952 .
25 These demonstrate the basis upon which Stalin seized Estonia , Latvia and Lithuania and so undermine the legitimacy of continued Soviet rule .
26 The best were made in Paris between 1840 and 1860 by Baccarat , St Louis and Clichy and now fetch between £100 and £900 .
27 Dermot looked round briefly at Patsy and Ellie and then said something to his two brothers which made all three of them laugh .
28 There are two and a half million ethnic Hungarians in Transylvania and almost one million in Slovakia , both minorities being a result of the punishment and reward system adopted in the treaties of Versailles and Trianon and substantially confirmed at Yalta .
29 In 1946 these were renamed the MVD and MGB and later changed yet again to their present titles of the Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopastnosti ( KGB ) , and the Glavnoye Razvedyvatelnoye Upravleniye ( GRU ) .
30 Polybius and Posidonius remained the masters in the field : the former survived in sufficient measure to impose his interpretation on modern historians , whereas Posidonius reached the Renaissance only through mediators , such as Diodorus and Strabo and perhaps Sallust and Plutarch .
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