Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] [verb] [to-vb] into " in BNC.

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1 Although Keane continues to develop into the most potent midfield player in English football he found himself short of powerful reinforcements yesterday .
2 Once NAB begins to move into the consideration of this area , it will have to co-ordinate its planning closely with that of the Advisory Committee on the Supply and Education of Teachers .
3 A child is duly conceived , but before ever it is born , there is a breakdown of relationships between Sarah and Hagar , and Hagar has to flee into the desert .
4 Yeovil and Wycombe plan to move into new stadiums at the end of the season , and most clubs carry the stamp of middle-class wealth : Barnet , Cheltenham , Altrincham and Macclesfield .
5 In July 1990 , after behind the scenes prodding from the Bank of England , LIFFE and LTOM agreed to merge into one financial derivatives market .
6 Radicals from across London , Britain , and Europe began to pour into the college to observe , participate , or make unsuccessful attempts to take the struggle into the correct channels .
7 This fear of American inroads into areas that Britain used to control effortlessly was not confined to civil aviation ; the British also resented the activity of US oil companies in the Middle East , and US attempts to break into the British-dominated international rubber market and the sterling bloc .
8 ‘ It would be something though , would n't it , ’ Carew persisted , ‘ if Kinsella started to dip into the funds for his own personal use .
9 When Tony had left to take Helen home , Joe , Stephen and Terry decided to walk into town .
10 MOSCOW ( Reuter ) — Armed insurgents were reported yesterday to be setting up camps in the hilly terrain of Nagorny Karabakh as tensions between the Soviet republics of Armenia and Azerbaijan threatened to erupt into full-scale confrontation .
11 ‘ Suki … ’ said the child through her sobs , and Chrissie turned to look into the garden .
12 After 20 years , Mike 's going backwards but Bri continues to forge into the future , dragging the brat Rock Music behind him .
13 He was firm with the three of us , but Richard seemed to get into trouble being a strong minded boy and rugby mad .
14 ‘ This could prove to be one of the key issues as Europe attempts to move into stages two and three of EMU ’ , he said .
15 I guard them like a mother tiger , and when Nina starts to tear into them I could cheerfully strangle her , and it shows .
16 It ensured lively lunchtimes for the railway workers , especially when Crawford had to jump into the river to rescue a member of the rival gang who had fallen in .
17 Dreams for the future had not been abandoned , for Dave hoped to move into the management side at work .
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