Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] [verb] it into " in BNC.

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1 Once Dawn took it into her head to attempt a sudden flight , jumped up in the air and found herself agonisingly caught , because of the tenderness round her feet under the jesses .
2 It ignored the finger and Kalchu dipped it into the milk again and forcibly opened the mouth .
3 In VR6 form as tested , it is also a particularly expensive little coupe , virtually double the price of the old Honda CRX which pioneered then dominated a limited niche market until Honda turned it into a two-seater ugly duckling .
4 The ball fell clear and Benjamin put it into the corner of the net from 15 yards .
5 Wee Joe watched as William and Jenny poured it into bowls and dripped water into it .
6 It is deeply embedded in Western culture — so deeply that few are aware , for example , how far both Freud and Jung integrated it into Western psychological theories .
7 Further contributions by Alberti , Masaccio , Uccello , Piero della Francesca and Dürer developed it into an instrument capable , in the visual arts , of freezing time .
8 Karajan ( DG ) has often been taken to task from making an adagio meal of Shostakovich 's andante here , but Flor turns it into a snail 's banquet ( beautiful Concertgebouw wind playing notwithstanding ) .
9 The original is in Catalan , but Tristram translated it into English .
10 But Alec put it into her mouth .
11 She told her many tales of the days during the Great War when John was a baby and he and his mother had lived with her and Lawrie , as they sat together , Sally holding a skein of white wool while Anne wound it into a ball .
12 She watched as Roman poured it into small white cups .
13 She caught hold of the cart tail as Jotan drove it into the mouth of the tunnel .
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