Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] [verb] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Maria was moist , hot and tight about him as he moved powerfully within her , and the exquisite friction of their joining commanded them utterly , carrying them upwards through rapture and beyond to a soaringly ecstatic climax so intense , so comprehensive that Maria felt it expanding to embrace her mind , spirit and emotions .
2 To neither Pound nor Yeats did it seem that Virgil had much or anything to say about this matter which so preoccupied them .
3 Although Bellcore says it expects to finalise Release 1 by 1995 , Ovum reckons it will not be available until 1997 .
4 If there were an Iraqi missile strike so serious that Israel felt it had to retaliate , an air corridor would have to be cleared by the American command in Saudi Arabia to allow the Israeli raid .
5 This manoeuvre exposed the Russian Fifth Army 's flank to Auffenberg 's Fourth Army , still advancing northward , so Conrad commanded it to turn about and strike at the left flank of the Russian Third Army .
6 He told the Commons that British officials had already lodged protests with the French authorities and that the French government would be left ‘ in no doubt ’ that Britain expected it to act speedily .
7 ‘ You know that Terry saw it happen ? ’
8 Dennis Hopper was even more determined than Fonda to make it work .
9 It is reported that Edison set it recording and spoke ‘ Mary had a little lamb ’ into it .
10 They agreed that the letter about which Clarissa was so upset must be from the War Office , and Peregrine said it made him feel almost cowardly to have survived the German breakthrough , the evacuation of the beaches and now this latest blow on the very day the capitulation of France was announced .
11 Scheduled to ship by year-end , the system will come with a price tag of $300,000-plus , and Eskernazi expects it to take on the the likes of Cray Research Inc and Convex Computer Corp .
12 SynOptics Communications Inc has announced an order from the Unipart Group of Companies for its System 3000 intelligent hubs , which will be used to spearhead the latter 's migration from IBM Corp mainframe systems to personal computer local networks : the order comes via network integrator Harris Adacom , and comprises seven System 3000 hubs which will be used to run Token Ring and Ethernet ; the total contract is worth £250,000 , and SynOptics says it won the order ahead of competition from Cabletron and IBM .
13 It may seem a little naive but Ray and Jean believe it works and it really helps to preserve the ‘ home-from-home ’ atmosphere .
14 ‘ You got that sort of money ? ’ he said , ‘ even if Bert lets it go , he will want a pretty penny for it .
15 and Lucy said it fits him lovely , but she was saving all the blue clothes
16 Rachaela and Ruth knew it did not mean anything .
17 Meantime process-type industries make up some 60% of the total number of Ross 's manufacturing customers — a figure that is expected to grow in line with the expected 15% to 20% increase in the UK market for process-based systems — and Ross intends it to include an increasing number of large multinational customers .
18 The appeal is now scheduled to go ahead in May and Safeway says it has some public support .
19 On Brother and Toyota machines it positions itself automatically when left to hang freely between the yarn mast and knitting .
20 and Pete knows it 's happened .
21 A miasma of despair rose from the cluster of black Workshops and Fenella felt it billow out and engulf them in its sick , cold desolation .
22 But not this last time cos Rose did it last time .
23 Rosalba pressed her sister 's hand , and Caterina felt it dry and hot , clasped in hers .
24 I walked up to him , me and Shelley , me and Shelley give it crossing the road to go to him , me and Shelley as we 're walking through he crossed the road before we got to him .
25 I knew that if Sandy won it gave him exemptions in the US the next year , the US Masters , Tournament of Champions , World Series .
26 Her youth was over , and God knows it had been bitter and barren enough .
27 Territorial officers , such as I was … inject precious verve into the tired old army carcass … and God knows it needs a face-lift ! ’
28 There is no final dividend and Young said it did not expect to make a payment for 1992 .
29 On the question of whether the locomotive would be available to complete the double 8F' Cumbrian Mountain Express at the end of October , Mr Draper advised that the locomotive would be available if BR required it to complete this roster .
30 Myra gave her a gaily wrapped parcel , and Claudia opened it to find a beautiful silk scarf printed with white and pink roses on a jade-green background .
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