Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] [noun] [vb -s] for " in BNC.

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1 But the Ivory & Sime trust caters for both the faint-hearted and those happy to embrace risk in the hope of greater rewards .
2 Promotions give a boost to sales in the competitive market and support the overall marketing plan together with good quality , competitive prices , and excellent service — everything that Stoddard Templeton stands for .
3 It is here in the big crunch that Dr Tipler looks for God .
4 But it is a mistake to think that Mr Saddiqi speaks for the majority of Muslims .
5 In short , the ‘ evidence ’ that Trevor Roper presents for his belief in ‘ historical free will ’ already presupposes it.ii
6 In Between , Thru , and Amalgamemnon Brooke-Rose reappropriates for women the role of one whose relation to language is both active and passive , that of the producer as well as the means of production .
7 A General Overview of European and UK Fisheries calls for a range of controls , including : limits on fishing activity in the north-east Atlantic ; decommissioning some fishing boats ; stricter enforcement of EC fishing quotas ; and a well worked-out " multi-species " approach to fisheries management .
8 England international Dixon has been ridiculed by the chant , ‘ if Lee Dixon plays for England , so can I ’ , but has so far refused to talk about it .
9 The British team , which also includes Annette Bell , Marion Sutton , Vicky McPherson , Una English and Joe Deering leaves for Japan on November 18 for the race on November 23 .
10 The promised agreement between Apple Computer Inc and Microsoft Corp calls for the two to work together on future technologies to help ensure a smooth and long-term evolution for customers of Microsoft applications for the Apple Macintosh — Microsoft has committed to doing versions of its Macintosh applications for the PowerPC RISC .
11 The organic debate continues with reasoned arguments from both sides but Jim Mason calls for a middleway , learning lessons from the past , while using technology of the present .
12 Because Mr. Thorpe resides for part of the time in London , he decided to try another Health Authority .
13 They are now living on DSS handouts in a two-bedroomed house in Brandon , Co Durham , while Father Butler looks for work .
14 No doubt the murderer already tracks our footsteps , and we must resolve this mystery before Queen Margaret leaves for Scotland .
15 And they are demanding massive insurance cover from Eastern Suburbs when Martin Offiah plays for them next summer .
16 But that would be more than offset by other tax increases as Mr Lamont looks for extra funds to tackle the ballooning PSBR deficit , likely to be about £45 billion next year .
17 WHEN Darren O'Leary plays for London against the North in the final round of the ADT Divisional Championship today he will be forgiven if he is caught day-dreaming of England training in sunny Lanzarote .
18 He found that when the predator shows a strong preference for one prey , as N. emarginata does for Mytilus edulis over M. callfornianus , no amount of laboratory training will alter this .
19 And when Peter Lilley says for instance
20 As John Blair says for Lewes , ‘ the creation of a group of holdings within a convenient radius and accessible from one manorial centre must have been an act of policy by the priory or its patrons ’ .
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