Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] go and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Sara had told her to go to bed , or rather to go and look at the TV programme she wanted to watch .
2 I felt I ought to call out to Malpass or maybe go and see if he was okay .
3 Or all the ones that need sold , you know , got nice photographs of all the sold boards , and what I want her to do now is go and literally go and traipse the streets
4 Right , home , unpack the groceries watch Home and Away go and get Stephanie and Melissa out of school Angela will you
5 well he has I mean er my my daughter-in-law said he takes he mu he very often drives he 's got a season ticket , an annual season ticket t er to take the train but more often than not he drives because he gets into the into London at about quarter to seven in the morning he goes and you know , parks the car and then goes and gets breakfast and she says he always takes at least one shirt in the car with him to change into .
6 United kept Scunthorpe out and then went and made sure of victory with the second goal after seventy five minutes … no marks for slack defending by Scunthorpe … top marks for tenacity from skipper Derek hall … and that was his third strike of the season …
7 I do n't know if she was just wandering around , but , you know and erm I went up to , went and got the keys and then went and locked the door again .
8 He stood outside the door and cried and then went and drank until he was out cold .
9 ‘ Rain , after I rang you this morning I made a few more enquiries and then went and told Barbara she was to come with me . ’
10 She now stripped the partition of the clothes , threw them on the bed , and then went and lifted the lid off the case , only to find that it , too , was full of clothes , both the woman 's and the child 's .
11 And then went and bought another fresh chicken had to pay even more money for it .
12 They do , and that 's what they , I mean , but they could also wait until he went round that corner and then go and burgle a house .
13 We could have a talk — and then go and get some chips . ’
14 Please ask his advice and then go and get your books , and let's behave like a normal family .
15 it does to get them money because they can sell that and then go and get the , the drug they re , they require theirself .
16 Yeah , and then go and put a in the paper .
17 In her mind , a girl should stay with her parents until proposed to , and then go and keep house for her husband , bear him children , and look after them .
18 And we had to hoist ourselves up out of the water and then go and dance — it was dreadful .
19 Eat three good meals a day , give it the big lips at night and then go and eat a Chinese or fish and chips . ’
20 Just walk down the road here to all them shops and just knock one of them off , bring the stuff back , stash it till the morning and then go and sell it to buy some gear …
21 I want to try and get one before May before the exam , but there is a superb production on i the summer , it 's on June and July and it 's at an open-air theatre erm in Lincolnshire and what people do is they go and take a picnic and you sort of take your rug and sit there and cos it it 'll be hot in the summer it would be really nice and you watch it outdoors and it 's in this big stately home which is in it 's own grounds and there 's gift shops and restaurants and bars and obviously wo n't go in the bars but you know there 's lo it 's beautiful and like a big stately home you can wander round the gardens for a bit and then go and watch the performance and if it rains then there 's a canopy you can pull the canopy over like at Wimbledon and you know it 's a really nice day .
22 and then go and find the library books .
23 national account manager who 's specifically looks after and then go and see on a regular basis but call on them but invariably the accounts that those account managers deal with at erm will be split all round the country and will be controlled by our local sales executives in those areas
24 Mm yes , erm since the home office secretary 's initiative it 's progressing quite well , with interest from certainly Bassett , Newark Stanton on the Wolds Tollerton and some other of the rural Coldfield areas were interested in going forward , Bassett looked very very interested , we went to a meeting last night , eighteen parish councils were represented , er Beckingham is going to be the first one , they 've got a special that lives there who 's gon na take up the work , Superintendent came down last night to do a circular of em a questionnaire around the village and parish to get find out what people want , and then go and see what the specials able to provide and meet the two together and get some sort of contractive agreement , he 'll work from the police house there , he 'll have access to the car , when it 's not being used by the rural officer , also his radio .
25 stay at granddad 's for a little while , while daddy watches that film and then go and see other nanny for a little while , cos you 've got no playschool tomorrow so you have n't got to get up early have you ?
26 During local soaring , select good-looking fields , and then go and have a look at them after the flight to see what they are really like .
27 Hang your coat up and then go and have a lie down .
28 Know your rules , work out your strategy and then go and do it .
29 It means you have to treat the first invoice as an error , and possible invoke the DOCTOR ( which has been with most Sage products for ages ) to correct things , and then go and do it right .
30 All of the uses that I know of diagnostic computers are involve the doctor talking to the patient , looking at the patient , taking symptoms and then going and using the computer in a similar way that we perhaps might go and ask for an x-ray .
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