Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] if she have " in BNC.

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1 She still giggled girlishly and reverted to the old tomboy type during TV and radio appearances , cleverly signalling to her fans that even if she had become their older sister , she was still their favourite sister .
2 Somehow she knew with an inner certainty that even if she had met Adam Burns only for the most fleeting of moments , those dark obsidian eyes would have burned themselves into her memory for ever .
3 And there was something about him , an aura of confidence and power , as he stood there facing her across the bonnet of the Mini that told her that even if she 'd been driving a tank there was no way in the world he would have let her go past .
4 If he had told Mrs Wilson this and even if she had believed him , she may not have wished to help him .
5 Jenny was nine , and even if she had n't been adventurous she would probably have fallen in the river anyway , because there was nothing much to do at Dale End but get into mischief .
6 ‘ There 's no bus , and even if she had a bike it 's too far for her to ride both ways . ’
7 She had nothing planned , unless it was to go to a cinema show with Jules , and even if she had , there was nothing she would not have cancelled in order to be with Harry .
8 And even if she had cried out , who takes any notice of anyone shouting , even screaming ?
9 And even if she had decided to use a delivery service , there would normally be a full check-list to be ticked off before parting with any money .
10 She did n't know what to do or say , and even if she had her body and mind were incapable of acting on it .
11 And even if she has been put out by human errors and offences , I am sure she will not hold that against a brother-house in distress . ’
12 Beforehand she had combed her hair by the light of the flashlamp , smoothed and rearranged her clothes but even if she had n't Moran would not have noticed this evening .
13 But even if she had , it was unlikely Harriet would have heard her .
14 But even if she 'd been fully clothed the chance of escape was gone before it arrived .
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